Daily Url, Oct 26


Staff member
Sep 22, 2012
Tuesday, 26 October

Census 2010: Party’s over kids![The Argentina Independent]
OK. So Buenos Aires is allegedly the city that never sleeps. Well, not tonight it’s not! Its Census day tomorrow, so if you were planning on partying hard tonight, you’re screwed. Tomorrow is the day ...

Cutting to the Chase: Sex Talk with ‘Dr. K’[The Argentina Independent]
Dr. Juan Carlos Kusnetzoff has written so many books about sex, he can’t even remember, “20, maybe 30, it’s too many to count!” His aim is to educate a “sexually illiterate” Argentina.

Looking Up A Zip Code in Buenos Aires[Discover Buenos Aires]
Need to know what a certain “código postal,” also known as a zip or postal code, in Buenos Aires is? Luckily, it’s pretty easy to find. Simply go to Correo Argentina &#8216...

Monday, 25 October

Buenos Aires Tango Diet[La Milonga Del 126]
I am a naturally skinny fellow and for some reason when I am in Buenos Aires I seem to lose a pound a week, that’s around 15 pounds in 4 months. Maybe I can help people that actually want to lo...

Things to Buy and Try in Buenos Aires, Part 1[LandingPadBA]
Whenever I travel I always enjoy digging a little deeper into the local culture, really getting to know the in’s and out’s in what little time I may have there. When visiting Argentina it ...

Amputee Football World Cup 2010[The Argentina Independent]
Last week, Argentina played host to the Amputee Football World Cup 2010. But three decades after the game was created, it is still struggling to be recognised by international sporting bodies.

Mail Forwarding Revisited[Discover Buenos Aires]
After nearly two years in Buenos Aires, I thought it would be a good time to revisit some of my earlier posts on planning my original move from the States and update them based on my experiences. The...

54 Bars: El Federal[The Argentina Independent]
Preserving its historical relics and aged charm, it appears as though little has changed since El Federal’s doors first opened in 1864. Located on a central corner of San Telmo, the bar is perfectly i...

General strike in Argentina over killing of left-wing youth[Axis of Logic]
The Argentina Workers Central (CTA) organized a over the murder of Mariano Ferreyra, a 23-year-old left-wing youth, who was killed by thugs from the rail union, which works closely with the government.

Sunday, 24 October

Cool Runnings[¿Qué Sé Yo, Argentina?]
Many are well aware than Buenos Aires is a great walking city. Despite the narrow sidewalks, chimney smoking colectivos, and mountains of golden dog shit, this city also has great running paths.

Free Internet Tango Concert from Buenos Aires[La Milonga Del 126]
The Tango magazine El Tangauta, Buenos Aires Tango Publications is launching an Argentine Tango Television show next Saturday night with an incredible feat; their grand premiere will feature a f...

Sights of Interest in Puerto Madero[Wander Argentina]
Puerto Madero is a neighborhood known as a nice place to lounge in one of its many parks, ride a bike and perhaps dine on the waterfront, but it’s not distinguished for its abundance of to...

Tell Me, Why Can’t This Be Love?[.My.Beautiful.Air.]
Don’t tell, but I’m having an affair. I think I’m in love. With you. Yes you, Persicco. I can’t stop thinking about you. These naughty thoughts won’t leave m...

Saturday, 23 October

Simple heaven[South America on a budget]
Standing naked next to the fire, contemplating the bucket of water that was to be my shower, I realised the basic beauty of the moment. Living without any material posessions, but with a certainty of ...

Tango y Futbol[.My.Beautiful.Air.]
Argentina’s two great prides and passions and Tango and Futbol. You would think that it would be hard to combine those pastimes, but this video proves otherwise.

Friday, 22 October

The week of Palermo Neighborhood[My Buenos Aires Travel Guide]
Starting on Saturday, October 23rd, 2010 , the government of the City of Buenos Aires invites to the celebration of "La Semana de Palermo" (The Week of Palermo) , with music and circus shows, "mil...

Enterprising Expats[Discover Buenos Aires]
I had previously written about a number of enterprising expats who have started successful business in Buenos Aires ( Buenos Aires Delivery , El Tejano , etc.) but one recent Cragislist Buenos Aire...

The Best of Bags and Purses in Buenos Aires[LandingPadBA]
Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter for all the latest updates on fashion, shopping, and trends in Buenos Aires! Sometimes it seems as though there are an unlimited amount of stylish items for sale ...

The Best Salsa in Buenos Aires[Discover Buenos Aires]
I’m happy to report that you can now buy some amazing Mexican salsa in Buenos Aires! The recently launched El Tejano is hand-making and delivering jars of salsa to Palermo, Belgrano and ...

5 Nights Out in Buenos Aires [Rolling Globe]
Porteños, or the people of Buenos Aires, are perhaps the most intriguing people I have ever met. They love to go out, enjoy one another’s company and truly live life to the fullest; they are extremely passionate...

Longest Peso Losing Streak Since 1992 Propels Exports[Bloomberg]
Argentina is turning its currency into the region’s worst performer to bolster exports, maintain its trade surplus and spur growth to the fastest pace since 1992.
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