Daily Url, Oct 29


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Sep 22, 2012
Thursday, 29 October

116th Argentine Open Polo Championship 2009[My Buenos Aires Travel Guide]
Saturday, November 14, 2009 , will mark the start of the most important polo tournament in the world, the 116th Argentine Open Polo Championship (Abierto Argentino de Polo, or just "El Abierto...

Argentine Congress considers same-sex marriage[AP | Google]
... Congress, which opened debate Thursday on whether to change dozens of laws that define marriage as a union between a "man and woman."

Wednesday, 28 October

Horror Film Festival To Spook BA This Week![The Argentine Post]
Just in time for Halloween, Buenos Aires Sangre Rojo, a horror film festival, will spook the hearts and minds of Porteños starting Thursday.The festival, which has run annually since 2000, will...

Creamfields Cancelled?[GoodAirs: More than a bad translation of "Buenos Aires"]
Are these tickets worth anything? About 90 minutes ago Clarín reported that the Buenos Aires city government had denied a permit to the electronica music festival Creamfields for its Nov...

The Supremes – Track 5[SaltShaker]
The United Provinces had not at this time any general conspicuous for military genius. The laurels gained by Don Antonio Gonsalez Balcarce at Suipacha were blighted at the Desaguadero. His bro...

Cleaning building walls[Buenos Aires Daily]
Buenos Aires daily is back. After one week “offline”, let’s start the return with a picture I took on the Avenida de Mayo near the Congreso. That man standing in the “voidR...

Tuesday, 27 October

Flores Casas[Buenos Aires Photographer - Big Pics of BA]
There's this section of Flores between Avenida Varela and Parque Avellaneda that I keep returning to again and again. This past Sunday I went with a friend of mine whose grandparents live in this sect...

Geek Chic: Cell phones in Buenos Aires[LandingPadBA]
Some use it as an insult, others a term of endearment. What it means to be a geek has certainly transformed throughout this epoch of information technology and the omnipresent internet. What’s c...

Facturas: A Traveler’s Guide to Argentine Pastries[Argentina's Travel Guide]
What are Facturas? Factura is not only the Spanish word for “bill” it is also the generic name given to a delicious collection of Argentinean sweet pastries. Some of these facturas originate from ...

Interview: Author, Journalist Andrew Graham-Yooll[The Argentine Post]
Andrew Graham-Yooll is one of the most respected journalists in Argentina and the UK. Born in Buenos Aires in 1944, his father was Scottish and his mother English. He...

Monday, 26 October

Crazy High Water Level at Iguazú![micheleandtom.com]
We arrived at Iguazú in one piece around 5:00 pm on a Friday, when we pulled into the Sheraton, which we selected because it is right smack dab in the middle of the park (you can see the...

Rosedal in the Spring[Buenos Aires Photographer - Big Pics of BA]
I'd almost forgotten about these photos I took on a lovely afternoon about a month ago while scouting out some locations for a portrait shoot. I love the intense green of the spring foliage. Also, I r...

Sunday, 25 October

Open Air Cinema at Parque Centenario[The Argentimes]
The first Saturday of Spring (26th September) in Parque Centenario, Villa Crespo was welcomed by a day-long festival of music, arts and circus skills and culminating in an open air cinema screening, c...

Argentina's Kirchner Targets the Press [WSJ]
Double-digit inflation is spiraling north and the government is running out of money. In response, President Cristina Kirchner is cracking down on the free press. Argentines are wondering if their democracy will survive.

Saturday, 24 October

calle chino[Yillabean]
i went to "barrio chino" (china town) today. it's super tiny so i refer to it as "calle chino" (china street). i was told that i can get so many more types of cooking ingredients in barrio chino tha...

sos hermosa[Yillabean]
this afternoon i was at a cafe with a friend. after lunch she studied and i was on my computer. we had the same waiter we normally have; he's really nice, quick and polite. after a couple hours in ...

French Week in Buenos Aires[My Buenos Aires Travel Guide]
The French Week in Buenos Aires "Vivi Francia 2009" will take place from October 26 to November 4, 2009, organized by the French-Argentine Commerce and Industry Chamber (CCIFA), and sponsored by ...

The Road to the Mission[micheleandtom.com]
To get to the falls of Iguazú , we reunited with our friend Mario Andretti, I mean Ariel, and took off over the treacherous clay roads tucked into our 4 x 4 yet again. (It had been raining b...

Swearing Translated: Part 8[LandingPadBA]
Hi to all those venturing forth into the land beyond Oz. If you’re going to be spending some time here, you should know both how to tell if you’re being cussed out and how to do it yourself, if the si...

Buenos Aires Photo Starts Wednesday[The Argentine Post]
One of the year’s best photo and video art shows opens Wednesday when the City of Buenos Aires inaugurates the 5th annual Buenos Aires Photo exhibit. Buenos Aires Photo will display works from.....

Friday, 23 October

Miss Pole Dance South America 2009[Wepokers]
In Argentina, held a competition among the dancers on the pole "Miss Pole Dance South America 2009" and also revealed the best dancer in Latin America ...
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