Daily URL: Oct 6


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Sep 22, 2012
Monday, 06 October

Designer hopes to plug into intelligent fashion[Vancouver Sun]
Tired of running out of batteries and having to find a socket to charge your cell phone or iPod? An Argentine fashion designer may have the answer: a timeless jacket with a built-in solar panel...

Sunday, 05 October

Ezeiza Airport Tax for Int’l Departures[Argentina Travel Blog]
This is a brief article describing the Departure Tax charged each non-citizen of Argentina as they leave the country via Ezeiza - Ministro Pistarini Airport (this is the only airport in the coun...

A bike ride[The Silver River - A mini adventure in Buenos Aires]
Today we went on a bike ride. It was organised by the exceptionally glamorous activities coordinator at our school, Ceclia. We met at the school and took the Subte down to Plaza de Mayo. A short walk ...

Saturday, 04 October

Parilla with names[Buenos Aires Daily]
To answer Ned’s comment and question wondering what were the different cuts in the parilla picture, I added their Spanish names and the American equivalence. My favorite 2 are the blood sa...

Buenos Aires Jazz International Festival 2008[My Buenos Aires Travel Guide]
The Government of the city of Buenos Aires presents Buenos Aires Jazz 2008 , with the ditrection of pianist and composer Adrián Iaies, in five days and five nights to enjoy this annual encounter wi...

Friday, 03 October

Healing green[Sallycat's Adventures]
I manage to earn some extra pesos from the true pleasure that is teaching English conversation to a wonderfully motivated businessman with a talent and love for British English, and so ‘m...

Random Observations: Week 8[Discover Buenos Aires]
The sushi is horrible here - don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Ok, that may not be entirely true, some of the sushi is pass...

Sticks and Stones...[TangoSpam:La Vida Con Deby]
Today one of my friends called me from the grocery store. "No puedo creer." he tells me. "No compre nada." (I can't believe it, I bought nothing.) He figured I was the sympathetic ear. He went ...

Porteños Vote on a New Symbol of the City[Argentina's Travel Guide]
There are twelve architectural projects currently proposed to be the new symbol of Buenos Aires. According to La Nacion , the symbol, whatever it ends up being, would be constructed in Bueno...

V.P. Debate: Why it mattered for me.[ABC News]
Argentine discotheques are trying a novel approach to attract more clients -- young women in particular -- to their dance floors: a door prize with the winner getting free breast-enhancement surgery...

Argentina's Disco Craze: Free Breast Jobs.[A Texan in Argentina]
I haven't heard what my friends in Buenos Aires thought of the debate yet. (I hope they all had fun at El Sacramento bar .) But, I have to agree it with Eugene Robinson of the Washington post ...

Thursday, 02 October

Tango as world heritage[Blog travelling Buenos Aires]
Buenos Aires’ and Montevideo’s governments, acknowledging they are part of the same culture, made a joint presentation to the UNESCO for the tango to be included in the world cultural heritage li...

Expo Patagonia 2008[My Buenos Aires Travel Guide]
Expo Patagonia is the annual exhibition of tourism in Patagonia, organized by the National Entity of Tourism Patagonia Argentina. In Expo Patagonia 2008 the public will be able to participate in ...

The Best (Only?) Fish Market in Buenos Aires[Discover Buenos Aires]
Buenos Aires is known for a lot of things - tango, beef, architecture, etc. They are not, however, known for their seafood. Salmon seems to be the most popular choice and in many restaurants the ...
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