Dating Argentines...

arty said:
I find the women from Paraguay to be a lot less crazy and over dramatic. I also noticed how catty Argentine women can be when it comes to women from other places, rather amusing.

I married a Paraguayan, and I have to agree, seeing my other friends who have Portena girlfriends, that Paraguayans are less crazy and over-dramatic as a whole.

Having said that, there are still plenty of Portenas, I'm sure, who would be just fine as a girlfriend. One of my friends has been married to a Portena for 10 years and is very happy. Sshe's actually a very nice, intelligent, warm person.

As far as culture differences go, I think when you find that culture differences are getting in the way, there's not much of a chance of success. You don't need to understand completely her culture, or she yours, if you are both reasonably open-minded and work to have a good relationship. The culture differences between a Paraguayan and an American are pretty big, but I have an excellent relationship.

An overly-dramtic portena would be an example of a cultural difference that would not be conducive to a good relationship, in my opinion, where many other cultural differences would just tend to make the relationship more interesting, not problematic.
MatiArg said:
Mrisley, is your wife standing next to you holding a pastry dough roller dictating what to write?? JK!

I guess many of you have expectations of how your ideal partner should be. All i can say is that when you least expect it someone comes in your life and gives you a good kick in the ass, of LOVE that is.

No, Mati, The truth, I am a bit rough on women and really don't give them the respect that they deserve sometimes. I had several very bad relationships with American women that I can be very "Cold" to my partner. I must take my hat off to my wife, she is really a great gal!
