Dating in Argentina vs Dating in US/UK....

I`m a girl myself and to me Argentinian men do not seem macho at all. Real machos are eastern europeans, russians, ucranians and guys from balkans etc. Latinos are sweet as puppies or kittens, jaja.
Jaja sounds like Latinos are better lovers, but they do not last long.
I lived in Argentina for 10 years until 2020, when I was in my 20's and 30's and dated a lot of Argentine women during that time and am now in a serious relationship with one living together in Europe. If I had to generalize my experiences I would arrive to the following conclusions:

Being an American opens up a lot of doors in Argentina and is a great conversation starter, but to actually get to date Argentines (or at least Porteñas) my experience tells me that speaking advanced Spanish and having a long term commitment to the country is vital. I'd occasionally meet American tourists that seemed to fantasize about gorgeous Argentine women dying to date an American man purely because of their passport (they usually came across as very creepy), but the average middle/upperclass Porteña is quite educated, cultured and modern and not desperate to get out of the country and while might dress and act a bit more traditional feminine than American women aren't interested in being treated like a helpless little girl in need of a man.

Argentines love to flirt and have fun, in my experience Americans aren't accustomed to flirting so much and aren't especially good at it in a not overly overtly sexual way. By making local guy friends I got much better over the years and realized how key it was to dating Argentines. In this same vane, Argentine women love to flirt just to have fun a lot of times, so it can be incredibly confusing initially when it seems like everything is going great and then they disappear or the text message conversation never leads to an in person date.

Argentine women seem to give out their number quite easily, but oftentimes they have zero intention to go on a date with you. I've been in situations where within the same group of female friends I end up with multiple numbers and it seems like they all intend to date you, but yeah, don't get ahead of yourself! You have to be persistent with Porteñas and put in the effort. I would fully assume that every Porteña you are dating on a non serious level is dating multiple guys, and at least I did the same when not in a serious relationship, it's kinda a volume thing to get to the right one.

Argentine women (and men) love to do things with their groups of friends and it is sometimes hard to get to spend time together one on one and at the same time hard to really be welcomed into their groups with open arms. I always found it odd how averse to a private dinner or drink date Argentines were early on. My recommendation is take the opportunity to do things in their group and work hard to be friendly and enjoyable to the entire group and you'll be rewarded. Don't expect to meet family until things are quite serious.

Argentines take way longer to finish university and develop a career, so if you're dating women in their 20's or 30's fully expect them to be in school and kinda trying to figure out what to do with their lives and maybe change degrees, take a semester off or something like that. Work isn't going to be the main topic of conversation which can be refreshing.

Argentines in general are a bit less practical and direct than American women, more emotional and harder to read. You will have some crazy twists and turns along the way but at least in my case they make me smile a bit looking back and a bit nostalgic. It's hard to generalize millions of people, but I love how fun, loving and passionate Argentine women are.
It's hard to generalize millions of people, but I love how fun, loving and passionate Argentine women are.
Me to... I also noticed a difference between Portenas and Argentines from outside BA and in other provinces. When I was doing the dating thing it struck me how many approachable and down to earth girls there were. I'm not interested in the ones who care more about their instagram profiles than reality.
Well, this could be a generalization but yeah, I'm from a town on the south and when I went to Bs.As for my career I noticed the life there is completly different, most of them are kinda arrogant, cold or in bad mood, always running with full stress, comparing with "outside provinces".
Well, this could be a generalization but yeah, I'm from a town on the south and when I went to Bs.As for my career I noticed the life there is completly different, most of them are kinda arrogant, cold or in bad mood, always running with full stress, comparing with "outside provinces".
100% agree... Its hard not to feel a bit stressed driving into BA and dealing with all the traffic, dog shit, protests, noise etc. They also work longer hours. Smaller city vibes for the win - people seem less affected by the grind and get happiness more from relationships and family vs money and work.
My brief usage of dating apps here before meeting my current partner showed me that anyone under the age of 35 falls into the worldwide "Do you have Instagram?" personality grouping, where one's entire existence is based and judged on what is posted on their Instagram profile.

Thankfully my partner is older than me so has interests beyond social media.

I don't think that is specific to Argentina mind you, it is a Western thing nowadays.
I am curious.... I've never dated here but for awhile I used dating apps in Florida. Very early on the ladies would often ask 'do you have a boat?' or 'what kind of car do you drive?' or 'do you belong to a country club?'.

Do the ladies here ask these type of status questions?