Democrats Abroad In Argentina For Bernie Sanders

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I think the democrats are socialist minded these days and way to over on the, we are all equal side of things. I also think they are learning to play on populism which all of us that have lived in South America know is an extremely dangerous form of politics that under minds every mans ability to excel. Mr Moore is the poster child of catering to bleeding hearts and under achievers. Believing these things may make you fell good but in the long term it will destroy and under mine the best humanity has to offer. For the record I am not down with the republicans either I think both parties are delusional.
Janis -

The CEO of Goldman Sachs, Lloyd Blankfein, said yesterday our campaign represents a dangerous moment, "not just for Wall Street, but for anyone who is a little bit out of line."

I have to say, I find it a little beyond comprehension that Lloyd Blankfein would lecture our campaign about "dangerous moments" after Wall Street received huge bailouts from the working families of this country, when their greed and recklessness caused millions of Americans to lose their jobs, livelihoods, and homes just a few years ago. His arrogance has no end.

Now Wall Street is pouring money into other campaigns. But I am here to tell you that we don’t want their money and we don’t want their super PACs. We are going to do it differently. We are going to win together on the strength of millions of small donations.

Make a contribution today to say you have had ENOUGH of Lloyd Blankfein and the billionaire class buying up candidates and elections in this country.

Here’s the truth: Wall Street is terrified because we are running a campaign that does not support their agenda. They never expected us to battle to a virtual draw in Iowa, and they are starting to get a bit nervous about New Hampshire too.

The next primary is less than one week away, and we have a slight lead in the polls despite opposition from the economic and political establishment in the state. But if we stand together, I know that we have a good chance to win next week.

In solidarity,

Bernie Sanders
The People win when they get involved

Get to know Bernie in 3 minutes
Janis -

We just won the New Hampshire primary.

I am about to head downstairs to address an enthusiastic group of supporters and volunteers. But what I am about to tell you is important:

There are 14 primaries and caucuses over the next three weeks, and you can be certain that our victory tonight will prompt a desperate response from the nation’s financial elite and the political establishment who want to stop our campaign to transform America.

Who knows what they're going to throw at us next. All I know is we must be ready to respond, organize, and win.

Make a contribution to our campaign tonight and we are going to win this Democratic primary, the White House, and take our country back from the billionaire class.

Nine months ago, if you told somebody that we would win the New Hampshire primary, they would not have believed you. Not at all. Too bold, they would have said. Not enough money to compete against the billionaires.

You showed them tonight.

In solidarity,

Bernie Sanders
Read Bernie's victory speech in New Hampshire
Bernie on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

While I don´t agree with 100% of what Bernie says, I feel he´s the best of a less than perfect lot.

I´m concerned that the Democratic establishment seems to be helping Hillary.

I´m also concerned about what Hillary´s role was during Bill´s presidency regarding the Cuban
boat crisis. I was in Cuba then. Fidel had an agreement with the US to let 20,000 Cubans emmigrate
legally to the US annually. As I understand, the US authorities in Havana at the time only approved
about 2,000 Cubans annually. They did, though, allow Cubans to live in the US if they´d make a
propaganda show of risking their lives and everything else, to get to the US on makeshift rafts.

As for Trump, we all have our opinions. I happen to have spent years in Mexico and know that
Trump is not giving an accurate picture of the reality of the situation in Mexico. I won´t go far
on that tangent right now. While I fully understand the concern over "illegals", I feel it´s
important to stop Trump who is dishonest and doesn´t acknowledge that Mexico is an important
consumer of US products.
Our voting process is long, complicated, and more rigged than ever with super delegates. Let's hope that the democratic national convention is run fair and square this year.

Janis -

I just left the stage at the final debate before 14 caucuses and primaries take place over the next three weeks. And the message I sent to those who have yet to vote is that the American people cannot afford to wait for transformational change.

We’ve heard a lot of folks in the political establishment, and tonight on the stage, say that our ideas are too bold. That the best we can do right now is incremental change. But as my dear friend Senator Nina Turner has said, "the future of our country is too important to go from yes we can to no we can’t."

I think our campaign's message is why we left Iowa beating everyone’s expectations, won by huge margins in New Hampshire, and why we will do so well in the 14 contests over the next three weeks.

The truth is, the forces aligned against us in this primary are too big and too powerful for any one candidate to take on alone. The only way we win is if we stand together. If we are divided, the big money interests will win.

These emails are how we fund this campaign, and that is why your contribution tonight is so important.

In solidarity,

Bernie Sanders
I had to laugh at the link below ! Marco Rubios´ "new morning in America" ad opens
with film footage of Canada ! C-a-n-a-d-a !! Where the prime minister is about to legalize
recreational pot, where there´s been gay marriages for y-e-a-r-s, where Muslims are welcome,
where the armed forces have stopped fighting middle eastern wars every year, where there´s
been universal socialized medicine for over 50 years, with one of the largest % of foreign
born residents in the world, where Mexicans are respected. In other words, it´s Bernie Sanders land !

Have a good morning Marco Rubio ! Hahahaha.
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