Democrats Abroad In Argentina For Bernie Sanders

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Janis -

The results are in and we were just declared the winner in a very important state for our campaign: Michigan. That’s a major, game-changing victory for our campaign.

The corporate media counted us out. The pollsters said we were way behind. The Clinton super PACs spent millions against us across the country. We were hit with a dishonest attack in the debate. But we won, again… and if we continue to stand together, we can win this nomination.

One week from today, five large and delegate-rich states vote. Time and time again, your support has enabled us to overcome large deficits and emerge victorious. But you can expect the political establishment to come after us even harder now. The super PACs are going to spend even more. We have to be prepared to fight back.

Millions of people have come out to vote for our political revolution. They have donated more than 5 million times to our campaign. And together, we are sending a message to the oligarchy that we are not to be underestimated.

In solidarity,

Bernie Sanders
Janis -

This is the final round of polling before five states vote tomorrow that we told you about earlier today. I gotta tell you, this is about as close as it can be for us to do well in these three states.

Clinton 46%, Sanders 41%

Clinton 48%, Sanders 45%

Sanders 47%, Clinton 46%

I'll say it again: It's just so. damn. close.

With Ohio, Illinois, Missouri, Florida, and North Carolina all voting tomorrow, the results from these races mean we have a chance to keep up our momentum.

I know Bernie's glad to have you with him. I am too.

In solidarity,

Jeff Weaver
Campaign Manager
Bernie 2016

Janis -

When I decided to run for president, I had to decide: should I start a super PAC and travel the country begging millionaires and billionaires to contribute to my campaign? It took me about a tenth of a second to decide against that.

Instead, we chose a different path, and it's very moving to me that our campaign has received more than 5 million individual contributions from working people and the middle class who want us to transform this country in significant ways.

So that’s why I send these emails, because it is how we’re able to run a campaign that is not beholden to Wall Street, the pharmaceutical industry, and those who profit from the destruction of the planet. And it’s why I have to ask directly – one more time – ahead of the most important day of the campaign to date:

Can I count on you to contribute to our campaign to help us hit our goal of 150,000 individual contributions before midnight? We’re very close, and yours could be the one that puts us over.

This campaign is about a grassroots movement of Americans standing up and saying: "Enough is enough. This country and our government belong to all of us, not just a handful of billionaires."

Every single contribution we receive not only amplifies that message, but helps ensure we’ll have the resources we need to win.

In solidarity,

Bernie Sanders
When we started our campaign 10 months ago, Janis, I don't think you could find a single person who would believe you if you said Bernie Sanders would win nine states by this point in the campaign.

Last night we beat all the polls in almost every state. We earned a significant number of delegates, and are on track for the nomination. Here's why:

What you will not hear from the political and media establishment is that, based on the primary and caucus schedule for the rest of the race, this is the high water mark for the Clinton campaign. Starting today, the map now shifts dramatically in our favor.

Arizona, Idaho, and Utah are up next Tuesday. Alaska, Hawaii, and Washington State caucus the Saturday after. Then it's Wisconsin's turn to vote.

That means we have an extremely good chance to win nearly every state that votes in the next month. If we continue to stand together, we’re just getting started for our political revolution

No one said a political revolution would be easy. We are up against a billionaire class and super PACs that are determined to see us lose.

The fact remains that Hillary Clinton’s lead will never be as large as it is right now. From here on out we keep chipping away until we take the lead. But that can only happen if we keep fighting, and that’s why your contribution to our campaign is so important.

The whole country will be watching to see how we respond in this moment. Let’s send a message that millions of Americans are just as ready to fight for an economy that works for everyone as we were when this campaign started 10 months ago.

In solidarity,

Bernie Sanders
No one ever said a political revolution would be easy, Janis.

But we must remember that the struggle for our rights is not the struggle of a day, or a year, or a generation. It is the struggle of a lifetime, and one that must be fought each and every generation. Today, it is our turn to fight.

The billionaire class and political establishment in this country would like very much for us to go away. They see our proposals and the way we fund our campaign as a threat to their existence and have been determined to see us lose from day one.

But the response from supporters across the country has made one thing clear: we aren’t going anywhere — we are going to win.

Since the polls opened on Tuesday, we have received more than 100,000 contributions and raised almost $3 million dollars. So we’ve set a goal that will give us the resources we need to win all three primaries and caucuses next Tuesday.

We are less than halfway through this Democratic primary and expect to do very well in the states to come. There are a lot of delegates left to be won: four states alone hold more delegates than Secretary Clinton has in total today.

Are we underdogs? For sure. But we have been underdogs from the beginning of this campaign. And the people powering our campaign, the people working longer and longer hours for lower wages, the sick without health care, and the students staring at the prospect of crushing debt, are underdogs as well.

But if we continue to stand together, we are going to keep chipping away at Hillary Clinton’s lead until we overtake her on June 7th.

That’s why I have to ask you directly:

Can I count on you to make another contribution to our campaign and help us raise $5 million in online small-dollar contributions from working Americans by midnight tonight?

The economic and political systems of this country are stacked against ordinary Americans. But we are fighting back through our campaign, and we can win.

In solidarity,

Bernie Sanders
Janis -

I want to tell you about something that encapsulates so much of what is wrong with our economy, our government, and our corrupt political system. Then I'm going to ask for your help to stop it.

Pfizer is a giant pharmaceutical company based in New York City that has a history of overcharging Americans for prescription drugs. It's in the process of trying to merge with another company located in Ireland.

If the merger is successful, Pfizer would technically become a foreign company, meaning it could dodge around $35 BILLION in corporate taxes here in America.

Enough is enough. Pfizer and other pharmaceutical companies cannot be allowed to evade taxes and rip off American patients who already pay the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs.

I sent a letter to Treasury Secretary Jack Lew asking him to prevent Pfizer from taking many of the steps it wants in order to avoid paying taxes in America. Can you add your name to say you want Pfizer to pay the taxes it owes?


What Pfizer is trying to do is known as a "corporate inversion." In this case, Pfizer, an American company, is merging with a company based abroad. The result of the merger is a company with an address in another country – even though the majority of shareholders are still based in America.

Pfizer apparently doesn't want to pay the $35 billion in taxes it would owe in America. I don't think that's right.

No matter what, you can bet that Pfizer would continue to overcharge Americans for prescription drugs, too. Since 2014, the pharmaceutical company has hiked the prices of seven of its top selling drugs by an average of 39 percent.

Pfizer also charges 12 times as much in the U.S. under Medicare for these drugs as it charges in Ireland, where it’s claiming a new address for tax purposes.

All of this is the result of years of weakened tax laws, an abdication of responsibility by American companies to their country, and a corrupt political system that allows it to happen.

And I believe we can stop it.

Add your name and together we can stop Pfizer's corporate tax dodge and take a big step forward for our political revolution.

Thank you for your support.

In solidarity,

Bernie Sanders
Dear Janis,

The vast levels of income and wealth inequality that we are seeing today did not come down from the heavens — they came about as a result of policy decisions that work against the interests of the American people. And together, we have the power to move our country in a different direction.

We can achieve health care as a right for all people. We can create decent paying jobs. And we can make sure that every person in this country gets the education they need and desire.

Despite what the corporate media and the political establishment might have you believe, these are not utopian ideas. But they won't happen unless we stand up and fight back.

This Tuesday, three more states will have their say in this presidential primary and we have the chance to do well in all of them. Let's show the political establishment that when we stand together, there is nothing we cannot accomplish.

Almost 11 months ago when I announced that I would run for president, the corporate media wrote me off as a "fringe candidate."

Well, I think the corporate media would agree that a lot has happened in the past 11 months. We have won nine states, and came very close in others. We have received more than 5.7 million individual contributions to our campaign from nearly 2 million people. And we have hundreds of thousands of volunteers across the country making calls and knocking on doors.

What we are doing is building a movement of people who are prepared to stand up and fight back against the status quo. The same old, same old establishment ideas are not enough. That is why I need you to join me in this effort before Arizona, Idaho, and Utah vote on Tuesday.

Add another contribution now to send a message that this country belongs to all of us, and that it's past time our government started working for the people it is elected to serve.

The stakes in this election couldn't be any higher. Either we continue with the status quo, or we come together to shape a brighter future for our kids and our grandkids.

Thank you for your support, Janis. I have always said I cannot do this alone, and I'm glad to have you by my side.

In solidarity,

Bernie Sanders
Live online interview with Bernie Sanders

Today at 19 hs. on

7PM - ?
Janis -

What happened yesterday in Arizona should be considered a national disgrace. I got an email last night from a woman who waited five hours to vote in Arizona. Five hours.

We don't know how many thousands of people didn't get to cast their ballots yesterday in Arizona because they couldn't afford to wait that long. Scenes on cable news last night showed hundreds of people in line at 11:30pm in Phoenix – more than four hours after polls closed. Voting should not be this difficult.

One reason it is so hard to vote in Arizona is because the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act. There were 70 percent fewer polling places this year than in 2012 in Phoenix's county. They wouldn't have been allowed to cut those polling places if the Voting Rights Act was still in tact.

These cuts meant that, in a county with more than 4 million residents, there were just 60 polling places. This is unacceptable, but it's also not an isolated incident.

We need to make it easier to vote, not more difficult. One way we can do that is by reaffirming our support for the Voting Rights Act, which, when I am president, I will fight to reinstate.

We cannot continue to see democracy undermined in the United States of America. Enough is enough.

Make no mistake: the billionaire class does not want Americans to vote. Billions of dollars are being funneled into our elections in a form of legalized bribery, even as American voters — especially minority voters — are being discouraged from voting. It is no wonder that government no longer works for ordinary Americans.

Above all, we need to remember the price that was paid for the right to vote. The Voting Rights Act was one of the great victories of the civil rights movement. Now, as then, change comes when the people demand it — in the voting booth, and on the streets in peaceful demonstrations. We must remind ourselves of what’s been achieved in the past, and resolve to do equally great things in the future. Democracy is not a spectator sport.

It is my sincere hope that the states that vote in the coming weeks and months do better than what we saw yesterday in Arizona. Too much is at stake for our future.

Right now, what we can do is show your support by adding your name to say you want to reinstate the Voting Rights Act.

No one said a political revolution would be easy. The billionaire class doesn't want to see our movement win, and so we must do everything we can to show them that we have the power.

In solidarity,

Bernie Sanders
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