Democrats Abroad In Argentina For Bernie Sanders

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When we started this campaign, my greatest fear was that if we did not do well that it would be a setback not just for me, but for the ideas driving our campaign.

We had no campaign organization, no money, and very little name recognition. The corporate media called us "fringe," we were taking on the entire Democratic establishment, and we were down 60 points or more in the national polls.

Then a supporter from Chicago, Illinois made the first contribution to our campaign — for $3. A few minutes later, $50 from a supporter in California, then $10 from someone in Georgia. A little more than 12 months later, I am humbled to share that our campaign has received more than 7.6 million contributions through April, more than any presidential candidate at this point in a campaign ever. And we’re just getting started.

Your support has powered us to 21 victories and a much larger lead against Donald Trump than Secretary Clinton’s campaign. So we’ve created a website to show everyone the depth and diversity of our political revolution. It’s very important that you visit and share it with everyone you know today.

- Bernie
Be The Change You Want to See

Fight for Change
Bernie Sanders Interview on Real Time with Bill Maher 5/27

Bernie Sanders Interview on The Young Turks with Cenk Uygar 5/27
LGBT for Bernie Sanders
The Bernie Coffee Shop in Los Angeles
The Sanders Campaign Can Still Win a Future to Believe In

Obama Wanted to Cut Social Security. Then Bernie Sanders Happened.

Cheers Jan! I'm going to drink this one for you.

Good riddance to bad rubbish! Now, on to the orangutan...

When we began this campaign a little over a year ago we were considered to be a fringe campaign. But over the last year, I think that has changed just a little bit.

As of last night, we have won 22 state primaries and caucuses with more than 11 million votes.

What we understand, and what every one of us has always understood, is that real change never occurs from the top on down, always from the bottom on up.

That is the history of America. Our fight is to transform our country and to understand that we are in this together. That is what OUR movement is about.

The struggle continues. We are going to fight for every vote in Tuesday's primary in Washington, DC, and then we will bring our political revolution to the Democratic convention in Philadelphia.

I am pretty good at arithmetic, and I know that the fight in front of us is a very, very steep fight, but we will continue to fight for every vote and every delegate we can get.

But you know that what we are doing is about more than Bernie Sanders. It is all of us together. It is what this movement is about. It is millions of people from coast to coast standing up and looking around them and knowing that we can do much, much better as a nation.

That whether Wall Street likes it, whether corporate America likes it, whether wealthy campaign contributors like it, whether the corporate media likes it, we together know what our job is. And that is to bring the American people together to create a government that works for us, not the 1 percent.

Our fight is to transform our country and to understand that we are in this together. To understand that all of what we believe is what the majority of the American people believe. And to understand that the struggle continues.

Thank you all. The struggle continues.

In solidarity,

Bernie Sanders
This is the updated description for March On DNC's page and event that includes our official mission statement. Some details have changed and events have been removed/added.

Are you frustrated with the DNC? Has your vote been tossed? Your voice been suppressed? Have you felt silenced by the establishment?

We are organizing to stand together and support Bernie, sway the delegates and super delegates to our side, and ensure the DNC is aware that with out Bernie our vote won't be with the Democratic Party in November. We have put forth a call to action. We will be peacefully demonstrating at the Democratic National Convention to threaten mass deregistration if the Democratic Establishment continues their election fraud tactics to deny Bernie Sanders the nomination. After voter suppression, dirty politics, and smear campaigns, we will be loud in clear in our message to the establishment: We The People have the power and we vote Bernie.

Our mission is to organize more marches across the country in the same way we did in January, only this time, bigger.

We've got time to organize and promote these events. With this amount of time on our hands, we should be able to blow this up bigger than any Bernie event so far.

We want a YUGE demonstration/march at the convention in Philly as well as YUGE solidarity marches across the country to send a clear message to the establishment: WE. WILL. BE. HEARD.

The details are still being worked out, but PLEASE SHARE THIS EVERYWHERE.


We want to make this historical. We need to show the DNC and the rest of the establishment that we are NOT going to stay silent. We the PEOPLE decide this election, NOT super-delegates. We are most likely going into the convention close to a tie with no one securing the delegates needed to win the nomination before that. That means it's OUR job to be LOUD and CLEAR that we are for BERNIE SANDERS and that they need to vote with US.

You can RSVP at our event here if you will be in Philly, or you can RSVP at one of the many other facebook events created by other passionate organizers!

Please SHARE far and wide! We want this to be as YUGE as possible! Use ‪#‎MarchOnDNC‬ to share your thoughts/events!

Events So Far:

#MarchOnDNC - Philly Event by Billy Taylor - March4Bernie

#MarchOnDNC - Philly Event by Steve Okan Layne - Day 1

#MarchOnDNC - Chicago

#MarchOnDNC - Los Angeles by MarchOnDNC-LA

#MarchOnDNC - Philly Event Day 4

‪#‎MarchForBernie‬ Against The DNC - SLC - July 24

Deregistration To Save The Nation - by Jimmy Perry

Million Berners March - July 26 & 27 - Black Men 4 Bernie

This list is always growing make sure to check back!

**We are asking all organizers in Philly coordinate with each other for maximum effort to make this YUGE!

**** Organizers outside Philly are NOT required to use our mission statement, share our goals, be at the same time, or the same date. We are attempting to schedule as many marches on the same date & time to maximize impact of the national rally day - Sunday.

If you have any questions, please email [email protected] or contact me via

We are fundraising to assist low income families in making the trip!

We are putting together rally busses leaving from most major cities!

We are seeking hosts in the Philadelphia area to register at the Bernie B and B and assist those who can not afford high cost hotels.
Also, don't forget to like/follow the official pages for March On DNC!
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