Divorcing an argentinan

Thanks so far for the responds, lawyers I would like to wait with, I consider thtat the best break up is the one that doesnt need any third party, yes that will never happend, but I at least wanna give it some time.
My contrubutins to the marriage is no problem to show, so that is no problem.
Basicly I just wanna know if she got any case that her earnings from her work is just for her?
Im in a bubble that its 50/50 but maybe Iam wrong, that is what I wanna know about, does she has a case beeing the sole proiveder for the familiy last 5-6 years.

All inputs are welcome
With all my respect, you think as a man. She, instead already consulted a lawyer long time ago. FYI at divorces there is a previous conciliation hearing prior to the trial where everything can be arranged civilly. Delay in consulting a lawyer does not benefit you at all because the judge must approve the agreement and, if the 50/50 is not respected, he will not do it. Even if you want to do the fast divorce where you agree in everything you need your own lawyer and judge has to aprove the division of assets.
I’m a lawyer even I do not work family law your question can be replied even by a student.
You are entitle to 50 % of the fruits, it means, the money your wife produce.
If you were married for so long, you do not have a pre nup.
I can recomend Dra. Miryam Hango who only does familly law for the last 25 years.

Dra. Hanko:1530197965
[email protected]
She managed by attempt to divorce.
Thanks for your replay and info, yes it sounds like a walk in the park acctualy, just wanted to be sure, wife seems to been so sure on her stand, but hopefully its just her way to negotiate.
I suppose Dra Hanko is in Buenos Aires? Iam like 400km away, of course most things can be done online these days, but I think it´s will probably be better to find a local lawyer.
With all my respect, you think as a man. She, instead already consulted a lawyer long time ago. FYI at divorces there is a previous conciliation hearing prior to the trial where everything can be arranged civilly. Delay in consulting a lawyer does not benefit you at all because the judge must approve the agreement and, if the 50/50 is not respected, he will not do it. Even if you want to do the fast divorce where you agree in everything you need your own lawyer and judge has to aprove the division of assets.
You are probably right, her brother is by the way a lawyer....but the whole process has been initiated by me, I moved out, she would have preferd that we stayed toghter, probably has changed now during the last days. But if she has lawyered up, it has been during the last days.
But I will get a lawyer tomorrow or Tuesday.
Thanks so much for your and everyone else inputs.
Thanks for your replay and info, yes it sounds like a walk in the park acctualy, just wanted to be sure, wife seems to been so sure on her stand, but hopefully its just her way to negotiate.
I suppose Dra Hanko is in Buenos Aires? Iam like 400km away, of course most things can be done online these days, but I think it´s will probably be better to find a local lawyer.
If you are in Buenos Aires province, no.
If you are in the countryside, all the lawyers know each other and it is easy to be betrayed. An outsider, then, is better for you.
If you are still a foreigner you are entitle to a Federal Court.
If you are in Buenos Aires province, no.
If you are in the countryside, all the lawyers know each other and it is easy to be betrayed. An outsider, then, is better for you.
If you are still a foreigner you are entitle to a Federal Court.
Im in MDQ, know of a lawyer that i think is to be trusted, (of course never trust anyone), but shes a good person and neighbour, so will start to check in whith her first to see if she is deicated to famliy law.

Had a seating with another lawyer a week ago, to see if I was entitled to go, and she cleared it that there is no "abandono del hogar" but was not so sure about the money, property yes, has to be split, but money could be problem, I also has recording where wife informs me that she can kill me and with no problem can get away with not only the murder but also my body.
The lawyer said that ther is no law aginst record conversations, but it would probably not count in court, witch sounds pretty strange to me.
I cannot give my personal opinion regarding other colleges.
Look for an experienced family lawyer.
Be very carefull because nowadays with her word is enough to jail you for 3 days with a fake denunciation of gender violence and with it you can be deported and banned from seeing your children.
Record everything without her to notice it. You need it for a potencial criminal case againg you, a fake one.
You cannot continue living with her if you are going to divorce.
In MDP better stay away from the civil Federal Court.
Evening forum.
Iam about to divorce a native argentinan women, we have basicly around of 500kUSD in total, a house 200k, an apartment 70k, a car 20k, and around of 200k in cash and stocks.
Wife makes 8-10k USD/month, I have been home with the kids last 10years and have 0 pesos/month as an income.
Wifes offer is that I stay with the stocks that is around of 40k USD and that she stays with the rest, because shes the one that been bringin in money, at least for the last couple of years.
As a marride couple I think that its problaby 50/50 that is the way to go.
Wife case is that the money we now have save up is from her salary and that is not to be split.
Is that correct?
We have been married for 15years and for the last 4-5 years she has outranned me as topearner in the famliy, I find it hard that she shall get everytihng then, not like I would have got everyting if we got divorced in 2017 becasue i was top earner at that moment.

I thought whatever a person owned prior to marriage remained his/hers and only what was acquired after marriage was joint property. Is that wrong?
With all my respect, you think as a man. She, instead already consulted a lawyer long time ago. FYI at divorces there is a previous conciliation hearing prior to the trial where everything can be arranged civilly. Delay in consulting a lawyer does not benefit you at all because the judge must approve the agreement and, if the 50/50 is not respected, he will not do it. Even if you want to do the fast divorce where you agree in everything you need your own lawyer and judge has to aprove the division of assets.
I can update the threads a little, Monday and Tuesday she was really sad when we talked, so decided to give it some more time (yes yes, I know, not the smart move), yesterday she was totaly furios told me that she had reported me to the police, for stealing our funds and that the childs does not wanna see or talk to me anymore.
Half an hour ago, police came by my place, gave me some paper that I have to be infront of the judge tomorrow.
Seems that she today had filed for "Protecion contra la violencia familiar (digital)"
"debe que abstenerse de realizar cualquier acto de intimidacion u hostigamiento en contra la persona de bajo apercibimiento en caso de incumplimiento de incurrir en desobediencia a una orden judical y pasar los antecedentes a la justicia penal"
My spanish isnt the best, but I supose it means that I shall be informed by a judge that if I threaten her I go to jail? Or does it mean that I already had threaten her?
I can update the threads a little, Monday and Tuesday she was really sad when we talked, so decided to give it some more time (yes yes, I know, not the smart move), yesterday she was totaly furios told me that she had reported me to the police, for stealing our funds and that the childs does not wanna see or talk to me anymore.
Half an hour ago, police came by my place, gave me some paper that I have to be infront of the judge tomorrow.
Seems that she today had filed for "Protecion contra la violencia familiar (digital)"
"debe que abstenerse de realizar cualquier acto de intimidacion u hostigamiento en contra la persona de bajo apercibimiento en caso de incumplimiento de incurrir en desobediencia a una orden judical y pasar los antecedentes a la justicia penal"
My spanish isnt the best, but I supose it means that I shall be informed by a judge that if I threaten her I go to jail? Or does it mean that I already had threaten her?
Where are you guys from? Cultural background is important as there might be things she is not reading correctly ( or you )
Where are you guys from? Cultural background is important as there might be things she is not reading correctly ( or you )
There are no cultural problem, she is Argentina and Iam european, the fight is about the childs and the assets.
She wants the childs, and 90% of the assets
I want the childs 50/50 and the assets split 50/50, when I moved out I transferd some money that we had on a shared account to my own account ( both she and I are allowed to use the account as we wish so not an illeagal move from me) so now its like 70-30% in her favour instead of 90-10% as she would like it to end.
So yesterday she said, transfer the money back or go to jail, an offer I didnt accepted.
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