Divorcing an argentinan

Is it that bad? I thought it was that I will go and get a warning and if I threaten her it will be extra hard on me after that?
I always advice to apply for citizenship because it protects you from deportation. Do not imagine, get a lawyer.
I always advice to apply for citizenship because it protects you from deportation. Do not imagine, get a lawyer.
Yes that is the plan, since I suppose I will lose my "permanente" when I divorce because I got it from the marriage.

Plan is to apply and use my childs as connection.

But how fast can a deportation be? Seems hard that someone can just file a complaint and boom the other one gets deported.
Time to hit the beed here, if anyone can translate, I would appricaite so I know what Iam up against tomorrow, just a warning or am I allreayd judge for beeing a man, so to say.

"debe que abstenerse de realizar cualquier acto de intimidacion u hostigamiento en contra la persona de bajo apercibimiento en caso de incumplimiento de incurrir en desobediencia a una orden judical y pasar los antecedentes a la justicia penal"
Time to hit the beed here, if anyone can translate, I would appricaite so I know what Iam up against tomorrow, just a warning or am I allreayd judge for beeing a man, so to say.

"debe que abstenerse de realizar cualquier acto de intimidacion u hostigamiento en contra la persona de bajo apercibimiento en caso de incumplimiento de incurrir en desobediencia a una orden judical y pasar los antecedentes a la justicia penal"
"You must refrain from carrying out any act of intimidation or harassment against the person under warning in case of failure to incur in disobedience to a court order and cause to transfer the record to criminal justice"
Mediotonto, or should I say fulltonto. Stop wasting your time on internet forums and lawyer up! Any lawyer at this point!

Either there is a back story you have not told us about your relationship and how the marriage came to an end or she is just trying to scare you off knowing you are a medio tonto.

"debe que abstenerse de realizar cualquier acto de intimidacion u hostigamiento en contra la persona de bajo apercibimiento en caso de incumplimiento de incurrir en desobediencia a una orden judical y pasar los antecedentes a la justicia penal"

Is there a court restraint order against you? Who sent you this?

In any case. You are a permanent resident with native born Argentine children (or childs as you call them), this is a bond that is unbreakable even if the marriage has gone kaputt. So I would not be worried about being deported at all. Plus you are still legally married to that woman until the divorce is finalized by the judge.

Get a lawyer today!
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