DNI Question

Ronnie Hotdogs

Jul 31, 2020
Sorry if this has been covered but I did search through the forum and couldn’t find anything that matched my circumstances,

I have visa familiar 22A which gives permanent residency.
How do I go about getting my DNI?

The information online says I can get it through RENAPER but I have to get a Turno with them through the mi Argentina portal and It won’t give me the option to get a turno because I don’t have a DNI.

Otherwise supposedly I can go to DNM but how do I go about getting a turno with them?
OK I’m out of the country at the moment and won’t be back until around October are you aware of any time limit on me getting a DNI?
My visa is valid until July next year.
I have the same issue. I am here on a 22a visa and the consulate told me I have 60 days to get my DNI. However I can’t get a turno without a DNI and the number listed for information is either busy or no one picks up.
isn't there an option to get turno using CUIL?

You can obtain CUIL without DNI.
I have the same issue. I am here on a 22a visa and the consulate told me I have 60 days to get my DNI. However I can’t get a turno without a DNI and the number listed for information is either busy or no one picks up.

I haven’t actually managed to do mine yet either but if you go on the mi Argentina websiteand register with your passport it looks like you can get an appointment at the Palermo Sede if you select the priority service. I’ve passed the 60 days but the visa is valid for a year so I’m not too worried.