Do Casey Wonder's Parents Post Here?


Oct 15, 2014
I'm dying to know the back story. I can't post a link to the video here but google Casey Wonder and Nestor Kirchner if you don't know what I'm talking about.
I'm dying to know the back story. I can't post a link to the video here but google Casey Wonder and Nestor Kirchner if you don't know what I'm talking about.

Here's Casey's father:
He has a British dad and and Argentine mum, I think.

I would like to confirm he is not my son.

My son is only three and his main political beliefs are > " Thats my CAR and thats my toy " followed by " Dad I am hungry , can I have some pasta."
He has a British dad and and Argentine mum, I think.

I would like to confirm he is not my son.

My son is only three and his main political beliefs are > " Thats my CAR and thats my toy " followed by " Dad I am hungry , can I have some pasta."

Your son hasn't demanded a choripán?
He has a British dad and and Argentine mum, I think.

I would like to confirm he is not my son.

My son is only three and his main political beliefs are > " Thats my CAR and thats my toy " followed by " Dad I am hungry , can I have some pasta."

Your son is showing a somewhat precocious understanding of property rights as well as a grasp of parental obligations by asking his Dad for pasta

If he was demanding that the government provide him with food there would be cause for concern, but that is something he will probably learn later as he is socialized, especially if he attends public school.
Your son is showing a somewhat precocious understanding of property rights as well as a grasp of parental obligations by asking his Dad for pasta

If he was demanding that the government provide him with food there would be cause for concern, but that is something he will probably learn later as he is socialized, especially if he attends public school.

Actually, he's showing the understandable egotism of a three-year-old, beyond which some people - I'd rather not state who - never progress. He is practicing the "virtue of selfishness."
Here's Casey's father:

Funny, yes ... but also a bit unfair. At 11, this boy has plenty of time to examine and consider ideological alternatives before his first run for office. Personally I think it's terrific that he's shown such an interest at an age when the intellectual curiosity of most of his peers does not go much beyond video games and their worldview extends only as far as their family and immediate circumstances.

Meanwhile, Lanata's comments ["Go to Disneyland, you are just an 11 year-old with a PlayStation."] were purely churlish. I detected a strong echo of the frequent admonishment of past generations for women to "get back to the kitchen".
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