I'm not sure if you understood me then, I never said that Argentineans are smarter than any other nation, I said that in general intelligence is something you find in every country in the same quantity, if you go to my text that was my observation. Is not intelligence that define a country’s wealth is more the other attributes that you mentioned later on. I agree with you that best societies in the world are those where citizens work as a team and follows rules (of course best is relative to the observer), I actually agree in most of what you said. With 2 exceptions, first intelligence is not related with cooperation, an intelligent person can many times be as egoist or more egoist and opportunist than a non-intelligent person so I had difficulties following you in that part of your answer.
The second part is when you mention Chile, I think you don't understand the cause behind Chilean relative stability and growth in the last times, first of all Chile is not particularly a cooperative society, is quite conservative, reluctant to change and with big divisions in its society (is fun that just because you see on tv people helping each other on the earthquake you finish in the conclusion that they must be a cooperative society- they do have the factor of reluctance to change that helps stability), they managed to succeed relative to their neighbors thanks to a single factor that push all the rest of the economy out of the poverty it was sunken in, that factor is that they have a relative small population and their main product is cooper with has gone up in price a lot faster than any other commodity including oil, they export 67 billon dollars, a little less than the total exports of argentina with a population that is only ¼ of Argentinean population and most of what they export is cooper, wine is only around 1.78% of their exports while cooper is more than 50% even now a days.
Guess when their relative prosperity started? They manage to start the growing path around 1962 (of course back then they where one of the poorest nation in south america), their main production was cooper and totaled at that time around 80% of the exports, the price was 0,20 cent per ton, since that time their economy growth as the price of the cooper in the international market start rising to a crazy 4.57 dollars, so they saw in this period an increase in the price of the main product of their economy by a factor of 2280%, this gave them plenty of dollars, and as they didn’t have any national industry or industrial complexes in place that required protection they just open trade deals with all the world so you can have international prices of every product with zero risk of having inflation as you don’t make the prices, as well no one was lobbying in favor of local industry neither had a risk to loose his job (they had and still now a days have a very simple economy and very commodity dependent, does that look like Germany to you or more like an Arabian emirate model?). Argentina in the other side had some attempts of following a similar path, but it could never work out in here, as the exports are relative small in comparison to the size of the economy and the population of the country will be mostly unemployed if they just open up, this brought more and more populist crowny capitalist and protectionist government as every time a free trade government or dictatorship tried to open the economy a lot of people lost their employs fueling up the anti-world, anti American and anti free trade national mindset, for argentina having a relatively big industrial base for south america and a strong middle class, opening the economy meant at that time a lot of unemployment and turmoil as the local population is to big to subsist only on soy and derivates commodities exports, and the soy exports for argentina are not even the equivalent of half the cooper exports for chile in a country with a lot more population.
I hope this was at least informative and gave some context to the rise in prosperity of the Chilean economy, another thing you have to take into account is that argentina pass through a very similar process of prosperity early on this century when price of the main products of argentina increased fueled by the first and second world war, but this prices plummeted once europe recovered and started their food proteccionism that destroyed farmers business around the world, adding to that the increase that the argentinean population from 250.000 in 1850 to 20 millons by 1955, mostly due to huge wave of european migrants was already unsustainable to rely only on a wekened agricultural and comodity based economy, added to that once the population took a taste to living in a certain level and got some things for granted as free education a very caring state and free health between many others was very difficult to step back from that, so they started a slow an painfull way down, they could have attacked the source of the problem but at that time they preferred the state safety network than a suden crash with reality, Chilee is just now reaching some sort of prosperity and is a mildly prosperity, is quite new in there and the state is still not overspending, but give them time and the state size will growth making it more and more difficult to support just based on a single commodity export, there is social pressure to make the education free as is here, and to increase social spending already, and the lower classes in chile have no help from the states and have quite a resentment toward anyone in the middle or higuer clases, if prize of cooper goes down things can go south very fast in Chile, they had something with is to congratulate witch is how few changes they have introduce, this gives companies the feeling of a very stable country in where regardless of government you can invest knowing that very few will change.