Dolar Blue On It's Way To 10

Moreno proposes to dump 100 million Us in the market to lower the dollar once for all, see article. If that works and the Blue goes to $6 pesos?? What would the average person do ...BUY .. Lines would go around the block to buy dollars.... then what .. I would buy for sure-....??


Never happen. Rumor mongers from ckf. jajajajajaja. What would the Security Minister think ? Free for all for the robbers !! BTW , they do not have that much money. Apple has twice as much as Argentina. And that is in CASH.
Moreno proposes to dump 100 million Us in the market to lower the dollar once for all, see article. If that works and the Blue goes to $6 pesos?? What would the average person do ...BUY .. Lines would go around the block to buy dollars.... then what .. I would buy for sure-....??


The black market moves about 10-15 million dollars per day, according to the K daily Pagina12. In other words, 100 million won't last long, if that's even an actual plan.
The black market moves about 10-15 million dollars per day, according to the K daily Pagina12. In other words, 100 million won't last long, if that's even an actual plan.

The ckf government does not have it anyway. Perhaps if ckf and her cronies brought all their money back from Switzerland , Panama, and BVI's , then they could have that much money to dump on the market. Moreno is insane.
But that would mean keeping large amounts of cash around, which is risky in itself.

Why does it mean keeping large amounts of cash around? When the cueva gives you pesos you put it in your local bank. Having said that, its probably just as safe under the mattress as in an Argentine bank. I am not talking about hundreds of thousands here. Xoom is also an option for long term stays, if you have a US account or access to one.
The idea is to dump 100 million all at once to collapse the blue??

And my belief is that this cash injection into the black market would dry up pretty quickly. They might be able to collapse the price temporarily, but that 100 million supply won't last long to keep up with demand if the market moves 10-15 million per day.

I think they'd be better off spending that money and their time to convince the Chinese and the Russians to collapse the U.S. dollar.
I think they'd be better off spending that money and their time to convince the Chinese ...... to collapse the U.S. dollar.
Ha, they've got a better chance of convincing the vulture funds to peacefully accept the original swap terms.
I think Bradly is right, 100m injection would dry up fast. Lots of people would jump at the chance to buy dollars at a such a cheap price, and we'd be right back to the current levels after a few weeks. Would not be a wise way to spend 100m.