Dollar Blue Will Drop Like Stone

So do we all expect a continued decline in the blue rate until after the elections when it is suggested to go back up? I am trying to decide whether to change some money now or in 2 weeks time.
The Winter vacations are starting now and the Blue rate is kind of frozen.
I changed last week at 7.80 in a cueva & the contact (individual who buys/sells) I used to deal with for the past two months (for a rate 5% above the Blue rate) is not buying anymore.

So my guess is that it doesn't change a thing changing now or in 2 weeks. But surprises may arise (Blue rate was expected to be much higher now).

There could be some changes next month (primaries for the October elections I believe?). After the October elections & the CEDIN introduction, things "should" change. Also the NY Court ruling could have an impact (could be a political decision to undermine the EU stability like in a pool game... Kind of funny since the US defaulted 4 or 5 times in the past two centuries).
See this website:
The lastone called "dolar convertibilidad" is the parity between the amount of dollars and pesos. It is 8.15, so, I don t think that the dollar is going to drop more. It should raise.
You have the people who spent a day or two learning english and putting the pro k news through google translate for the news posts and 3-4 journalists criticising the government.

seems someone has got wise of the criticism and hired this moron to write comedy for them.