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if you like instigating arguments with women on the internet, thats your prerogative. Im just not used to men verbally attacking women anywhere, be it the internet or elsewhere. Not sure where youre from, but where im from men dont talk to women like that. But keep it up, im sure someone will eventually put you in your place.
Perhaps you didn't get the memo, women were equalized back in 70s. Even funnier, how do you know it's a women. There are at least 3 female avatars on this board that are used by men.
Perhaps you didn't get the memo, women were equalized back in 70s. Even funnier, how do you know it's a women. There are at least 3 female avatars on this board that are used by men.
whats funny is you think you have a dog in this discussion. But you are correct, nothing says equality like anonymously disparaging women on the internet. Right. Maybe YOU didnt get the memo, trying to degrade women in any forum isnt equality, its low brow and beneath most men who have them well placed. Get a clue. Or not. Your problem not mine.

It would be funny if I was defending a guy behind a female avatar. I sure hope not, that would be awkward.
a new issue machismo on the board, and travesti board members :D