Really Queso? I have worked with hundreds of people in various agencies in the US government and I believe the vast majority of them sincerely wanted to improve the lives of US residents and the competitiveness of US-based businesses. I have also worked closely with dozens of government employees in NATO, the UK, Germany, Spain, the EU, and the EC; the vast majority of them also seemed to sincerely want to improve the lives of their constituents. Sure, there are plenty of bottomfeeders working in countless government agencies but a lot of people are trying to improve the world for everyone, not just themselves.
And those Ron Paul supporters who think he's a genuine Libertarian are deluded, he's a fake as is his son. Ron Paul supports some Libertarian ideas, but he has voted in favor of all sorts of legislation that contradicts my understanding of Libertarian ideology. Furthermore, if you think returning to the gold standard would somehow stabilize the American economy, improve the standard of living for more than a few people, or make America more competitive please see recessions of 1882-1885 and 1888; panics of 1890, 1893, and 1896; recessions of 1899-1900 and 1902-1904; panics of 1907 and 1910; recesion of 1913; depression of 1920-1921; recessions of 1923-1924 and 1926-1927; and the Great Depression.