Driving License

Thanks to all for your answers but please take into account that the international license is from Belgium (not from Spain or Italy, unfortunately) and I would like to know if it can be shown at Roca 5252 (only there because of the domicile in the DNI in the city of Bs. As.) and be exempted from taking the driving test and/or submitting the certificate of attendance for the theory of driving.

Has anyone reading this post gone to Roca 5252 with an international driving license to get the Argentinian one?
Thank you but the appointment at Roca 5252 has already been made online. No need for an agency to do this. Is the course on theory of driving really necessary/compulsory in this case?
Thanks to all for your answers but please take into account that the international license is from Belgium (not from Spain or Italy, unfortunately) and I would like to know if it can be shown at Roca 5252 (only there because of the domicile in the DNI in the city of Bs. As.) and be exempted from taking the driving test and/or submitting the certificate of attendance for the theory of driving.

Has anyone reading this post gone to Roca 5252 with an international driving license to get the Argentinian one?
yes, you have to take the driving test.
Thank you but the appointment at Roca 5252 has already been made online. No need for an agency to do this. Is the course on theory of driving really necessary/compulsory in this case?
yes it is, you need the certificate of attendance.
I got my bumper car license at an amusement park in New York and they gave me and Argentine Class 1 Commercial Transport license, no test required.
There`s no way around it, your international license is usually only valid for 6mos anyway. You`re going to have to take both tests, the practical is super easy. What I was trying to save you from is the headache that IS Roca. Have you been there before? Put it up there with other headaches like waiting for international post. Plan to book off an entire morning for the whole thing.
Thanks to all for your answers but please take into account that the international license is from Belgium (not from Spain or Italy, unfortunately) and I would like to know if it can be shown at Roca 5252 (only there because of the domicile in the DNI in the city of Bs. As.) and be exempted from taking the driving test and/or submitting the certificate of attendance for the theory of driving.

Has anyone reading this post gone to Roca 5252 with an international driving license to get the Argentinian one?

I went to Roca with a valid US driver's license and was "rejected" because the state issued renewal sticker (received in the mail) did not include an official signature.

I was also told that, even if it did, that I would have to take the written (theoretical) and driving tests.

If you would like to be able to study for the "theory of driving" in English with the correct answers highlighted, please send me an email address in a PM.

I will send you a pdf of a "sample" test I found on line.

I translated it into English using an on line translator after being told at Roca that I would have to take the written test.

Fortunately, a few months later I moved to the Provincia Buenos Aires where I was able to get a license without taking either a written test or a driving test.

I was able to pass the vision and psychological tests with ease.

Obviously, the psychological test wasn't very sophisticated. :rolleyes:
I would study the test in castellano, since that's what the test is given in. Or study both. When I took the theoretical test the computer gave me the option to choose English, but it didn't work and they had to reset the whole sistem and got mad at me. Hahaha. LOL. You'll eventually have to take it in castellano.
Whhmmm, GB D/L is good in Argie land? Then the republic is very advanced in measuring the driving skills of those étrangères countries that can easily exchange their birth place issued ones to the Argentinean ones w/o any red tapes..But all that said, a Japanese D/L can be swapped easily for the actual ones in ie: USA, Chile,Argentina and almost everywhere in this earth without any exams. So the union jacks and the rising suns D/L are over qualified for its rigorous driving skills?...Back then, I enjoyed taking a cab ride from Ueno train station to elsewhere in Tokyo on the then very famous "Kamikaze Taxi cabs" ! Those Nipponese cab drivers can surely drive!...But at the same time, I hear that the Argies are one very aggressive pilotes as well.. Here is all about Bs As DL exams. http://www.buenosair...B__espanol_.pdf

I already made an English translation of the driver's test in English.

I will send it to anyone who sends me an email address in a PM.