Dual citizenship ... anyone has it?


Aug 22, 2011
In my case: Argentinian/American.
Does anyone else have dual citizenship like me?
My question for those who do is: when you went back to live in Argentina did you travel showing both passports to both countries' authorities?
I know that I need to present my Argentinian passport as returning national in Ezeiza but should I even leave US without using the American passport? .... I am so confused.
Well, if someone can give me advise ... thank you so much.
You should leave on your US passport as Argentine citizens require a visa for US. You need to enter and leave Argentina on your Argentine one, so just keep both with you....
Depende si tenes pensado quedarte mas de 6 meses venite con los dos, te dan 180 dias al entrar si mostras solo el americano...Si venis por menos tiempo viaja solo con el americano, al menos esto es lo que hice yo (De todos modos me pregunto si estos chantas nos cobrarian el fee de salida si llegaramos a extender nuestra estadia.)
I think I will use both to leave USA and enter Argentina with the Argentinian passport since I will be a returning citizen with the intent to stay for a while ... hopefully for a long while. I can't wait to go back. 30+ years in the USA ... It's a looooong time.
you should get in and out US with your US passport and get in and out Argentina with your Argentine passport.
Para argentina son argentino, por eso tenes que entrar con pasaporte argentino. Lo mismo con los EEUU. Ademas, si entras con el pasaporte estadounidense te van a cobrar el fee de reciprocidad que es de algo asi como 100 dolares.
From the AR consulate in Miami:
If you have dual citizenship (US/AR) and are returning to stay in Argentina enter the country with your US passport (it shows your are Argentinian by birth ... see first page of passport). Of course, bring your Argentinian passport too BUT all Mercosur passports need to be renewed in Argentina per new: Registro Nacional de las Personas Resolución No 1266/2011 del 30 de mayo del 2011. Going with an electronic chip for more accurate information. Fear nothing: Facebook knows more about you than your family and friends.:p
Teniendo en cuenta que zingara viene para quedarse, entrar con el pasaporte Argentino es un MUST en su caso, y por ende el topic parece finalizado aun asi cabe la pena aclarar -para Bajo_cero2- que no necesariamente uno tiene que entrar con pasaporte Argentino teniendo doble ciudadania y adhiero el fee de reciprocidad NO es aplicable para Argentinos con doble ciudadania (en este caso USA/ARG.)
Important update from the AR consulate in Miami:
A partir del día 30 de Mayo del 2011, los pasaportes MERCOSUR emitidos por Policía Federal, podrán ser prorrogados por las Autoridades Consulares por única vez, al sólo efecto de posibilitar el ingreso de sus titulares al Territorio Nacional, donde los interesados deberán tramitar un nuevo pasaporte.
Registro Nacional de las Personas Resolucion 1266/2011 (as posted at the consulate's website).
I called the consulate this week and was told to enter AR with the American passport (it actually states that I was born in Argentina). If your AR passport has expired like mine did, the consulate will process an emergency passport but it only has a 1 year validity. You still have to get a new passport in AR therefore don't bother. Enter with the American passport and get a new AR passport once in Argentina. I hope this gets posted as I think it's important/useful information.
(I think the new passport will include an electronic chip).
This would be the correct answer.

Clari said:
you should get in and out US with your US passport and get in and out Argentina with your Argentine passport.