When the population residing in Argentina, native, paraguayan or extracontinental, (The Constitution is meant for any (hu)Man with good intentions that steps on Argentine Soil*) has a chance, they invest in the strongest and more easily available currency they can, and it is immoral to blame them, and us for it. The current administration is participating in the current currency negotiations between China and Russia meant to replace the Dollar, and the general population or citizenship has no say in it. Maybe in the long run it's the wise thing to do, but it's inmoral to force the current living individuals to sacrifice their own welfare for the sake of a geopolitical realignment. And I don't even know whether it's the best thing for Argentina in the future. I do know that Argentine diplomacy always plays both parts until a conflict is resolved then pretends it's been on the winner's side all the time until she stabs them in the back (see Falklands War)
*One of the best aspects about the Argentine Republic, which I'm sad it's relegated to a footnote in this post.