I found this little gem on La Nacion:
Maybe there is hope for real change. Maybe I didn't trust the Argentine people enough myself. Heh. Sure seems like there are a lot of people thinking Macri might pull this off and writing about it.
Now we just have to wait and see how it will play out. Like others have said, there is a lot of time between now and November 22. A lot can happen that might undo the impetus that Macri has started. But obviously enough former supporters of Cristina did let their feelings come out in the election. Can they continue to hold the advantage? Can they win over Massa supporters in enough numbers to counter whatever political ploy that must come in the following three weeks or so? Will there be some kind of movement by oficialismo to counteract the advantage that Macri has won?
I hate hoping for something that seems out of reach, even when being so close, that I am hesitant to actually feel hope. But wouldn't it be cool to see Scioli with his current 36% in the runoffs? While Macri pulls in 60% +- ?
Of course, that assumes that whoever would answer my question doesn't think that Cristina was the right thing for Argentina to begin with...and that they are not too far "left" to think that Macri, as an "evil" businessman, might actually be able to do the job
One of the reasons I've been so negative on the possibilities of Macri winning was the successful propaganda (true or not) visited on people living here, both Argentinos and foreigners, that associated a win by Macri with Menem's disastrous reign. Just about everyone I talked to didn't want Cristina in office, but they were almost literally afraid of Macri at the national helm. It's taken me a couple of days to see that maybe Macri can actually be a viable candidate for president in this country.