Ex-Official Arrested Hiding Bags With Us$ 5-8 Million, Gun


Feb 22, 2013

Is there any wonder this country is so fucked up.... Anyone who thinks this guy and Baez are alone is smoking crack.. Exterminate these vermin who steal from the people.

Incidents like this piss people off and just means even more will avoid paying taxes because they know who's pockets it is going into. It is a circle of destruction.
Some of the craziest things happen it seems in Argentina. LOL hmmm where to hide my corpto cash. Oppsss now I am busted.

Is there any wonder this country is so fucked up.... Anyone who thinks this guy and Baez are alone is smoking crack.. Exterminate these vermin who steal from the people.

Incidents like this piss people off and just means even more will avoid paying taxes because they know who's pockets it is going into. It is a circle of destruction.

Let's lighten up here! It's only 8 million - just takes a couple of minutes to count if you have Lázaro's machines, and Lopez made it clear that he hid it in the convent because his intentions were to do good with it.

Man, some of you are hard to please!
Right on for the nun who called 911 ! She got involved .Thanks a whole lot, sister.Let's hope you opened up a really big can of worms.
This "chorro" was also on Paralur another Kirchnerite rip off. Let's hope Macri pulls out of that "curro"
There seems to be dead silence from the Cristina supporters there used to be on this forum. What happened to them?
Right on for the nun who called 911 ! She got involved .Thanks a whole lot, sister.Let's hope you opened up a really big can of worms.
This "chorro" was also on Paralur another Kirchnerite rip off. Let's hope Macri pulls out of that "curro"
There seems to be dead silence from the Cristina supporters there used to be on this forum. What happened to them?

The propaganda drug is wearing off now they are in rehab.
This is only the tip of the iceberg.

Someone is spilling the beans.
I don't know what's worse, the criminals who finally get exposed or those fanatics who defend them despite repeated, and damding evidence.

I'm watching now [telefe] as those same Kult idiots selectively support (read: dancing around the facts) the claim that those being caught are rogue and unconnected to the source of the corrupction. Ummmm.... their starting to come out of the woodwork, and it's all connected.
This is only the tip of the iceberg.

Someone is spilling the beans.

I cannot wait to see the results of that. Slap the cuffs on they seems like they are dropping like flies now even as the paranoid as the joker we are talking about. Where is Wild Horses anyway I bet he is already jail too.
There's a short clip of the 'donation' in this link. http://www.lanacion.com.ar/1909022-anibal-fernandez-sobre-jose-lopez-no-estoy-dispuesto-a-quedarme-callado
And yes my K friends are still posting stupid memes about how Macri is condemning the poor and how he's only for the rich and the Kirchners were the only ones that were looking out of the good of the lower class. Yet the Kirchner regime stole from the country on what is starting to look like unparalleled levels and yet not a word from them about how that affected the country.

It is seriously appalling.