Expat Meet Up Friday November 4th!

Thanks so much for setting this up! My husband and I will be joining, if it's not too late. We're new to the city and very much look forward to meeting up with some fellow wanderers.
Hey! My girlfriend and I are also new to the city, but we're going to be here for a while. We'd love to join as well, if that's alright!

josephlm88 said:
:( i'll be in peru, but this looks so fun! is it a special deal, or will they have it in december?

It´s always this way. I´ll organize another dinner at spring in December!
Consider my response a confirmation for everyone! Yes everyone is welcome, all definitions of expats or not plus guests! I´ll check back tomorrow throughout the day so I can get an accurate count of all the last minute people we always get (and I love just the same!) and I will update the reservation.

See you all tomorrow!
if I had payed more attention I would not have double booked tonight. Maybe next time.