Expat shuffle ...

I've had residency in Argentina for eleven and a half years and an Argentine bank account in both dollars and pesos for about ten years. I have never had dollars sent ( by mself or anyone else) from the US in dollars, Since I started using XOOM in 2012 all transfers have been converted to pesos outside of Argentina and those pesos have been deposited into my Argentine bank account. (which is day to open after obtaining residency and not a perquisite for it).

Charlewar's reply (below) to the above post was inadvertently included within the quote. I've separated the two to avoid any confusion.

When I go to USA and return to Argentina, I always travel with enough dollars to last until my next trip. I tested my debit card here in BS AS and for 2,000 pesos it cost me, in US dollars, about $113 just a month ago. Way too expensive but if necessary, good for the time.
Sie I started using XOOM in 2012 all transfers have been converted to pesos outside of Argentina and those pesos have been deposited into my Argentine bank account. (which is day to open after obtaining residency and not a perquisite for it).

This should be (which is easy to open after obtaining residency and not a prerequisite for it)
The Certificado de Antecedentes Penales (CAP) is a document in electronic format issued by the National Registry of Recidivism that certifies that you do not have criminal records or pending charges in Argentina.

It's necessary to get the report before you can make an online turno to submit your paperwork to migraciones. You won't be dealing with the police you see in the street and you won't have to go the a police station to get the report.

You can see what you need to bring (passport, photocopy, receipt for payment, completed form) and how to get your turno here: https://www.argentina.gob.ar/solicitar-certificado-de-antecedentes-penales
As always, I appreciate your insight. I'll go to the link but saw somewhere you needed to have fingerprints taken for the penales entecedents.
As always, I appreciate your insight. I'll go to the link but saw somewhere you needed to have fingerprints taken for the penales entecedents.
They'll take your fingerprints (electronically) when you go to get the report. It's part of the process.