According to you, it's everyone else's fault that Latin America is in the shape it's in. That, by the way, goes very well with your government's propaganda.
You are giving the US and Europe many of the same attributes that your country has as far as war (excepting the atomic bomb, but those were special circumstances and not black and white as you would have everyone believe) and genocide goes, including wiping out indigenous races. Or maybe you can ignore the complete destruction of the indigenies in Argentina and almost all of Latin America as well?
I specifically was talking about the standard of living and the fact that Latin countries are more corrupt than the US and many European cultures. That doesn't ahve anyhting to do specifically with one being better than the other - you're right, we're all human and we ALL make some pretty big mistakes.
But - latin countries have more corruption, have less opportunities, than other countries. It's not because the rest fo the world wants to "keep you down." Get over it. Quit fnding all the excuses except your own actions as to why latin coutnries are not successful.
You really think that there is equal opportunity for the poor here, more so than in the US? That's a good one. We don't make special neighborhoods for people there, any more than you do here. Like the villas here, people tend to live where they can and many times ethnic populations CHOOSE to live together. It's just that there's really not such a big ethinic population here other than latino to show as an example. But the poor in the US live MUCH better than the poor here and there are fewer.
There is less corruption in the US and more people try to stamp it out when they see it. Of course, neither is the US perfect. There are other countries that have much less corruption than the US!
But the opportunites, at least for right now, are much better for ANYONE in the US, be they rich or poor, than here. it's a cultural thing, that unfortunately is changing too quickly as people look to blame others that they don't have as much as some and want to be given something for nothing.
Of course, you will deny that all that. As you say that everything that has kept Latin people "down" is all the fault of the US and others like it - never the fault of "you the people" or your government.
Y hablo bien tu idioma, amigo. Quizas no perfecto, pero la verdad hablo suficiente para comunicarme aca.
Este foro es para los expatriados, nos comunicamos en ingles. La verdad, parece a mi que eres up poco mal educado venir aca y hablar en tu idioma, pero bueno, puedes hacer lo que quieres. Eligo escribir en ingles aca porque puedo. Hablo español todo el tiempo, cada dia. Nadie de mi familia hablan ingles. Nadie de mis vecinos hablan ingles. Los guardia en mi barrio no hablan ingles. Parece a mi que estoy funcionando bien sin ingles.
Tambien, intiendo muy bien algunas cosas de la cultura latina. Me puedes llamar rascista si quieres pero no tiene nada que ver con lo que dije. Lo siento si piensas que todos las culturas son iguales, pero no es asi. Yo no estoy diciendo que latinos mismos son inferiores, pero uno puede ver facilimente que hay diferencias grandes entre la cultura de los Estados Unidos y de casi cada pais Latino. Algunas diferencias son mejores, otras peores. Yo no se porque, pero se que no tiene nada que ver con la raza, ni con ADN, etc. Tiene que ver, por qualquiera razon, con la cultura.