Expats still here after five years?


Jul 27, 2006
Five years ago tonight I was at the airport in Mexico City (with Stella in a carry on bag) waiting for my first flight to Buenos Aires. I consider my arrival in BA on Cinco de Mayo as my own Independence Day from Mexico (after waiting five years to sell my house). After five years in Argentina (four in Capital Federal and one in the country near Bahia Blanca) I'm happy to have found a place I can finally call home (with no intention of leaving or even moving).
I've been here for 4 years if that counts. I love this place.. Although the people i love the most, I met within like the first 1 or 2 months of being here. Which makes me think if was less 'lucky' and didnt happen upon meeting them, i might have just hated it and left without giving it a second thought
6 years 4 months & 4 days in Argentina, but took me till 2007 to move to Bariloche, now happy & here for the foreseeable future.
6 years in October -- came single, now married to a local with baby arriving sometime around 1 July -- watch out people, I had only planned on coming for 3 to 6 months....
Came here in 2006 to make a movie (in Salta and BsAs) and loved it so much I stayed. In 2010 I finally became "legal". That process was so much torture, that now I HAVE to stay.....:)
10 years and 7 months. Also pre-crisis. One Argentine husband and 3 kids later, still here with no plans to leave.