False Imports for 400 Million Dollars


Mar 20, 2014

The usual Google Translate deal, banner is in Castellano and story will initially appear in that tongue, but wait a few seconds and it will change to English.

The picture you will see at the top of that article is sobering enough; any time you answer the door to find two federal cops and 4 AFIP agents waiting outside, you know you're about to have a very bad day.

But Pagina12, in what seemed to me a laughably over-dramatic manner, actually used this photo on the front page -

People like Insaurralde need to get dollars to pay for their yacht charters and luxury gifts for their escorts in Marbella somehow I guess, as they sure can’t afford dolar turista if their humble public servant salary is otherwise equivalent to US$1500…less than minimum wage in my home country...doesn’t even buy a strap on a Rolex.
Facturas truchas, in Argentina?!?!?!?!?!

Peanuts. 400mill over 5 years is less than 0.1% of Arg's imports.
That's the beauty of Kabuki theater, K5N and Pagina12 can go on and imply this is the reason there's the cepo/a rise in the BCRA dollar, because these criminal speculators, not Massa being grossly incompetent.

I don't approve of false invoicing, but the government is literally incentivizing it by having such a dysfunctional economy, just like how it's been possible to save 30% via arbitrage this week. If you buy something with your Argentine credit/debit cards, you pay $661 per dollar, and you can then pay for said purchases with dollars sold via the CCL or WU for $891 each.

The Argentine state is encouraging people to do this, it's akin to super puré when we don't have enough dollars to pay for medicine imports, and we're supposed to get mad at people who buy stuff on Amazon instead of just unifying the dollar so this doesn't happen in the first place.