Food prices are amongst the highest of the planet


Jun 20, 2006
I have been here since 2002 and what is affecting most people is the lack of quality food items for a reasonable price . This efffects the middle classes the most as prices for the most basic items like rice milk and flour products are dearer than Europe and quality is much less . For example rice is double in price in dollars than nearly any other country of the planet with Brown rice being sold for a whopping US $ 5 dollars per kilo . If you wish to buy basmati rice expect to pay US$ 12 per kilo minimum a few years ago it was US$ 2 per kilo this is a 6 times difference in dollars !!!

Everything now seems sky high and to eat dinner in restaurants for most people is a distant dream of the past .

So, if someone lists 1 kg of rice for 1 million pesos on MercadoLibre, will the price of rice be 1 million pesos per kilo?

Coto: 2.2 USD / 1kg of rice (without discount)

Safeway (USA): 2.4 USD / 1kg of rice

So, if someone lists 1 kg of rice for 1 million pesos on MercadoLibre, will the price of rice be 1 million pesos per kilo?

Coto: 2.2 USD / 1kg of rice (without discount)

Safeway (USA): 2.4 USD / 1kg of rice

The price of rice even if it is found for 2.2 dollars per kilo is double or triple any of our neighbours. In Bolivia rice is 50 cents a kilo
I have been here since 2002 and what is affecting most people is the lack of quality food items for a reasonable price . This efffects the middle classes the most as prices for the most basic items like rice milk and flour products are dearer than Europe and quality is much less . For example rice is double in price in dollars than nearly any other country of the planet with Brown rice being sold for a whopping US $ 5 dollars per kilo . If you wish to buy basmati rice expect to pay US$ 12 per kilo minimum a few years ago it was US$ 2 per kilo this is a 6 times difference in dollars !!!

Everything now seems sky high and to eat dinner in restaurants for most people is a distant dream of the past .

Just the usual contribution oozing gloom and doom. Must be painful to live with such a dismal view of the world. Please, move to Bolivia or wherever......!
I have been here since 2002 and what is affecting most people is the lack of quality food items for a reasonable price . This efffects the middle classes the most as prices for the most basic items like rice milk and flour products are dearer than Europe and quality is much less . For example rice is double in price in dollars than nearly any other country of the planet with Brown rice being sold for a whopping US $ 5 dollars per kilo . If you wish to buy basmati rice expect to pay US$ 12 per kilo minimum a few years ago it was US$ 2 per kilo this is a 6 times difference in dollars !!!

Everything now seems sky high and to eat dinner in restaurants for most people is a distant dream of the past .

The bubble will explode soon . Consumption will go way down and we will be in severe recession and soaring unemployment.

Reading from the list, Argentina is in 77th. place, from most expensive to least expensive
Rice - price, April 2024
In US dollars, one kilo of rice:
Argentina: .91
Bolivia: 1.39
Brazil: 1.56
Chile: 1.61

The price of rice even if it is found for 2.2 dollars per kilo is double or triple any of our neighbours. In Bolivia rice is 50 cents a kilo
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… Since 2002 and never had to pay “dolar oficial” like the majority of Argentines who earned pesos I suppose. Living the subsidized brecha dream only possible for a select few.

Anyway the cheapest kilo of rice in our neighbor Brazil can be found in supermarkets for R$7.79 before discount (US$1.51)

While in Dia Argentina it can be found for ARS1450 (US$1.64 official)

The minimum wage in Brazil is around US$250 month while today in Argentina it’s ARS$234.315 (US$265 official)
From personal experience, in my neighborhood food prices seem to be stabilizing, or even going down a bit. Shops and restaurants are mostly empty, but cafes are full as always.

A couple of weeks ago I was in Once, and it was crowded with shoppers.