Food prices are amongst the highest of the planet

Yes once inflation is on the low one digit figure. Then what?
Then, as you said, unemployment, recession, etc, what follows is ''trueque''(barter)like back in the bad old days of no inflation and no growth of the 1 to 1 exchange , none of this is new to the average argie, they'll bitch and moan as always until they find their new ''curro'',being speculating with dollars or interests rates or selling '' used'' stuff at la saladita
I believe that trying to compare prices from different times will drive you insane. This country never made any sense in the eye of many expats except that it was cheap waaaay cheap , meantime all of this stuff we are talking about were happening to the locals but we never saw it since it was so cheap that didn't matter if it was 69 cents or 99 cents , now that we are paying multiple full dollars come to our attention, and one more thing, when you think rice is expensive, compare the price of beef where you come from to the local high prices of today and that'll give you an idea how way off we are when it comes to comparing prices.
So in short, some stuff got pricey but for the most part this place still pretty inexpensive and we need to start forgetting about those stupid unreal cheap prices of the past.
So in short, some stuff got pricey but for the most part this place still pretty inexpensive and we need to start forgetting about those stupid unreal cheap prices of the past.
I think only wine and beef is cheap. If pizza now costs around 12-15$ that is more expensive than like 90% of countries in europe, maybe even more. Bag of Lays chips produced in Argentina costs 3200 pesos for 130 grams, way more than anywhere in europe.
I think only wine and beef is cheap. If pizza now costs around 12-15$ that is more expensive than like 90% of countries in europe, maybe even more. Bag of Lays chips produced in Argentina costs 3200 pesos for 130 grams, way more than anywhere in europe.

I didn't realize Europe was that affordable compared to the US
I didn't realize Europe was that affordable compared to the US
Europe and particularly southern Europe is way more affordable right now. Energy has been very expensive, particularly if you are not in a temperate zone in an apartment... There's a reason rural homes are super cheap right now in much of europe.
In australia all meals are cheaper now especially sea food!

Not "all." Two kgs of great quality steaks at my local butcher is $25 AUD

In Australia the equivalent is over $30 for ONE kg at the supermarket, or $40+ at a proper butcher. So double or triple the price.

Agree that most things other than beef are around the same price
Not "all." Two kgs of great quality steaks at my local butcher is $25 AUD

In Australia the equivalent is over $30 for ONE kg at the supermarket, or $40+ at a proper butcher. So double or triple the price.

Agree that most things other than beef are around the same price

Not "all." Two kgs of great quality steaks at my local butcher is $25 AUD

In Australia the equivalent is over $30 for ONE kg at the supermarket, or $40+ at a proper butcher. So double or triple the price.

Agree that most things other than beef are around the same price
Very true about meat prices they are much more expensive in Australia but everything else including sea food yoghurts rice are cheaper . A example is a simple greek yoghurt now 4 dollars minimum in health food stores . In australia for 3 dollars us a small tub can be found . Asian food is also cheaper in Australia with abundant food courts serving magníficient meals for 10 to 12 us dollars . Here in Buenos Aires it seems that every peruvian restaurant is 20 dollars us minimum per head and ceviche is now over 20 dollars a porción in most peruvian restaurants . Beef while still cheaper than most countries also has gone up over 2.5 times since 2020 when it was 3 dollars a kilo for prime grade meat . Now expect to pay 9 dollars a kilo .
What's the use of comparing food prices in Argentina with prices in Australia or the US? Can anyone get home delivery from grocery stores in those countries?

We are here so, let's either stop being here, or stop qvetching about food prices.
As the Uruguayans say: "Es lo que hay".