Forgot what I need to upload into RaDeX for DNI extranjero temporario renewal


Jun 26, 2019
I looked at the Radex portal and could not make out what I have to upload in the way of jpg. files of documents. I assume I need a current resident domicilio from the local police station, current DNI front and back, passport with the Argentine consulate permit page as well as the face/eagle page, front mug shot on white background, original docs from USA attesting to proof of income, and the Spanish translations of the income docs. Did I miss something?
I looked at the Radex portal and could not make out what I have to upload in the way of jpg. files of documents. I assume I need a current resident domicilio from the local police station, current DNI front and back, passport with the Argentine consulate permit page as well as the face/eagle page, front mug shot on white background, original docs from USA attesting to proof of income, and the Spanish translations of the income docs. Did I miss something?
Under the premise of renewing Temporary Residency (2nd year) this is what the Radex Part 2, 1st page in requires (there may be more in a following page. I have read elsewhere other requires like - entry stamp in passport, proof of income statement and Spanish translation):
#1 Attach here a personal photo, with a white background, of the face of the migrant residence applicant. It must be an image taken at the time of loading and not an image from another photo (JPG)
#2 - 2 Pictures of DNI, front and back. Attach here the photo of the 1st sheet of the document or both sides if your document is in card format (Remember to attach front and back) (JPG)
#3 Attach here the photo of the certificate of residence/ certificado de domicilio (JPG)
#4 Attach here the Criminal Record documentation of the country of origin. With its corresponding translation and legalization of the translation if it is issued in a foreign language.
#5 Attach here the documentation of the Apostille or Legalization before the corresponding Argentine Consulate of your Criminal Record. With its corresponding translation and legalization of the translation if it is issued in a foreign language.

*To be updated after completing upload of these and moving to next page in Radex.
Yesterday finalized the Radex application for temporary residency, second year. For #1 personal photo - a selfie of the day #2 DNI - photo front and back from current DNI #3 Certificate of Domicilio - although requested a current one at the local Comisaria, it has never arrived. So uploaded a copy of Claro invoice which has name and address on it. #4 Criminal Record country of Origin - uploaded the same as used 1 year ago. Only one I have #5 Legalization of Criminal Record - uploaded the same as used 1 year ago.
Radex , if applying Pensionado, requires a proof of retirement income - uploaded the same signed/legalized doc the US Embassy Argentina provided last year. Had asked US Embassy Argentina for a current one, they replied since it requires signature of "Counsel" it's not possible - due to cuarentena.
So, after answering more, easily answered questions in the Radex, all the boxes were checked and clicked Finalize the application. That unlikely to be accepted piece of work goes now to the hands of 'someone' for review and comment. They give themselves 90 days to reply. Apparently if your application is approved and are given an appointment day and time, Immigrations is open and processing. Vamos a ver.
Thanks for your help. I got my visa in the Argentine consulate in Chicago USA. They required the police check from my local Chief of Police, which I sent in 2018. For my second renewal (3rd DNI ) I hope nothing further than the Argentine visa attached to my passport will work. For my 1st renewal, I engaged a translation service and got all manner of signatures and registrations that I can't comprehend. For this 3rd DNI, I hope I will only have to show for the pensioner income portion the 1099 R and SSA 1099 which only have modest COLA hikes for 2020.
Thanks for your help. I got my visa in the Argentine consulate in Chicago USA. They required the police check from my local Chief of Police, which I sent in 2018. For my second renewal (3rd DNI ) I hope nothing further than the Argentine visa attached to my passport will work. For my 1st renewal, I engaged a translation service and got all manner of signatures and registrations that I can't comprehend. For this 3rd DNI, I hope I will only have to show for the pensioner income portion the 1099 R and SSA 1099 which only have modest COLA hikes for 2020.
Different paths but sounds similar. This morning, right after posting my update here, came an e-mail from DIRECCION NACIONAL DE MIGRACIONES. They appear to of accepted the copy of my cell phone bill in lieu of a CdC. Also no comment about the old Criminal Report and Legalization of same. However, they're asking for a current Benefits Letter from the US Embassy Argentina.
As that's not possible due to cuarentena, I'm having a copy of the Social Security Benefits letter, downloaded from the Social Security website translated and legalized. You might consider getting one and using it instead of the 1099 docs you mention. The SS Benefits letter tells them all they need to know. The US Embassy Argentina letter, when you can get it, is one line with: name, social security number, monthly benefit amount. Signed by the Counsel.
When I go back into Radex to upload the translated SS doc i'll include the 'no can do' message received from the US Embassy. Since of course the Migraciones e-mail is a 'no reply' e-mail. As usual dialoguing out a problem with them is never possible.
Vamos a ver. At least it appears the other docs are ok.
Radex has accepted the Social Security Benefits letter, downloaded from the Social Security website and translated to Spanish, sufficient to generate a Precaria and appointment at Immigrations. It was the last remaining document they were requiring in my Radex application. I included a page in the upload advising that the US Embassy would not provide a Benefits Letter due to cuarentena shutdown and for the same reason the translated SS Benefits Letter could not be legalized here in Argentina.
Received a Precaria temporary, appointment date of June 29 at Immigrations office (which is subject to change, earlier or later, at their digression pending a change in cuarentena). And they want brought to the appointment the legalized Social Security Benefits letter from the US Embassy Argentina.
I had an email exchange with a translator, who wrote that Colegio de Traductores is not open to legalize translations, and the date of resumption of a normal process is unknown. So I guess I will wait before I upload to RaDeX. Last year I did not need anything from the US Embassy, just the legalized translated documents for evidence of income. Good luck getting everything lined up for a satisfactory conclusion.
I had an email exchange with a translator, who wrote that Colegio de Traductores is not open to legalize translations, and the date of resumption of a normal process is unknown. So I guess I will wait before I upload to RaDeX. Last year I did not need anything from the US Embassy, just the legalized translated documents for evidence of income. Good luck getting everything lined up for a satisfactory conclusion.
Yes, my translator advised the same. She could translate and stamp it but could not get it legalized. Take note, the man behind the curtain at Radex has commented twice that they want the Benefits Letter from the US Embassy Argentina. Under normal circumstances it's easy enough, an appointment, a trip to the embassy to pick up our legalized letter.
As you can tell I'm more comfortable having received the Precaria temporary and the mouse is now in the pocket of the government and immigrations.
Even though they can be dictatorial in the Radex interface, once you get to an appointment at Immigrations and eye to eye with the person processing your application they become humane and work with you to complete. And this time, 2nd or 3rd temp residency you're in their system, they've got your Argentina criminal report and no mysteries to solve.
Today, 10 a.m., Monday, 29 June 2020 was my scheduled appointment with Immigrations to complete the 2nd year Temporary Residency application. The date they had advised me on 8 June 2020.
Did I know it probably wasn't going to happen? Yes. Did they wait until 08:02 this morning to advise me, 2 hours before the scheduled meeting, that it was postponed? Yes.
Did they know it was going to be postponed last Wednesday when the President went on every TV station announcing the extended quarantine? Assuredly they did.
But then they're Immigrations Dept. and they really don't give a damn about YOU unless they have to.
Here's the notification of suspension for appointments:
DNM provision 1714/2020

Depending on the health emergency decreed by Decree DNU 260/2020 and related regulations, the National Directorate of Migrations ordered the extension of the expiration dates of temporary, transitory and precarious residences, as well as the suspension of administrative terms.
This standard has been extended on April 17 by Provision 1923/2020, on May 15 by Provision 2205/2020 and on June 16 by Provision 2434/2020
Today, 10 a.m., Monday, 29 June 2020 was my scheduled appointment with Immigrations to complete the 2nd year Temporary Residency application. The date they had advised me on 8 June 2020.
Did I know it probably wasn't going to happen? Yes. Did they wait until 08:02 this morning to advise me, 2 hours before the scheduled meeting, that it was postponed? Yes.
Did they know it was going to be postponed last Wednesday when the President went on every TV station announcing the extended quarantine? Assuredly they did.
But then they're Immigrations Dept. and they really don't give a damn about YOU unless they have to.
Here's the notification of suspension for appointments:
DNM provision 1714/2020

Depending on the health emergency decreed by Decree DNU 260/2020 and related regulations, the National Directorate of Migrations ordered the extension of the expiration dates of temporary, transitory and precarious residences, as well as the suspension of administrative terms.
This standard has been extended on April 17 by Provision 1923/2020, on May 15 by Provision 2205/2020 and on June 16 by Provision 2434/2020
Why would they care? Most of them are celebrating the fact that they get to sit at home and watch Netflix in their pajamas and still earn 100% of their salaries. My feeling is they won't be back to work and tramites in person until September-ish, and I am sure there will be resistance to returning to work earlier "on health grounds" if there is no financial incentive to do so.