bigbadwolf said:
None of this surprises me and I don't think Sarkozy is any better than Berlusconi. Race prejudice, race paranoia, and xenophobia lie at the roots of the European outlook. Jews, moslems, Romas have all been on the receiving end.
While I agree that Sarkozy is any better than Berlusconi (I even voted for Sarkozy and I must admit I feel quite stupid now...), I don't agree at all that xenophobia is specific to Europe or that France is a bad example (or has been a bad example since the actual Roma story is definitely ugly. Robino summarized perfectly the global story).
I consider France as some kind of big laboratory : Highest Muslim population in Europe (6 to 7 millions = nearly 10% of the population), Highest Jewish population (around 600.000 : highest population after the US, Israël excepted of course).
Another problem that will affect soon every occidental country is the voting population. It is getting older and older and represents an higher and higher percentage over the years. While people in their 20s (before they start paying taxes btw

) usually lean on the left side, people over 70 lean more on the right side. One of the reasons Sarkozy got elected is because he focused on themas that are sensitive for older people (security, etc...).
I am 40 and I must say that our generation has not been really lucky (well, at least we didn't have to go to war, good point). Our parents were babyboomers, they benefited from a great employment rate, it was damn easy to buy yourself an appartment back in the 60s/early 70s (with inflation and so on...).
Too (this is valid for France and some other European countries, not the US), the babyboomers generation installed a "repartition system" for when they retire. It simply consists in making pay the following generations. All in all, they were damn lucky.
So what got the generation born in the 1960s-1970s :
- Entered the job market in the late 1980s (crisis).
- Started paying for the pensions of the babyboomers.
- Got hitted again in the early 2000 (another crisis)
- Then hitted again in 2008-now (another crisis)
- Still paying the pensions of the babyboomers
- We will never receive pensions following the same plan (we need too to start sparing money for our own pension)
- Meanwhile it has become very difficult to buy yourself a home (unless you take a 30 years mortgage).
Oh well... Sorry I diverted from the original topic