fraudulent ATM charges


Nov 11, 2010
Hola and Help!

My husband went to Citi Bank ATM (at Bulnes branch) on Tuesday and tried to withdraw 4,000 pesos (which we've been doing the past year) but the machine said that it was unable to dispense that amount so he cancelled the transaction. He just now checked his bank statement online (Deutsche Bank, in Germany) and lo and behold, it shows that he withdrew 4,000 pesos!

He is now frantically contacting Deutsche Bank to reverse the charge, but we must prove that he did not get the money! We will go to the Citi branch here later today, but has anyone had a similar experience of getting debited for the money they never got? Any suggestions on how to proceed on this?

Any and all suggestions greatly appreciated.
Does he have a receipt from using the ATM?

I had a somewhat similar thing happen using a Citibank ATM machine. I wanted to withdraw a large amount (don't remember exactly, maybe 3000 pesos). Anyway, the ATM gave me 100 & then said it was unable to complete the transaction. But the receipt showed I had withdrawn 3000 and they debited my account that amount. I realized at that moment and immediately spoke to the bank manager. He asked me to return in about an hour (just to verify the amount in the ATM I assume). When I came back, he gave me the option of either getting the remainder of the money then or them crediting my account. I took the cash and the issue was solved.

Go and talk to the people at Citibank, it shouldn't be a problem as obviously when they did the end of day, the ATM will have the extra 4000. And your bank should give you an immediate credit for that money while they do the investigation as well.

ETA - It's happened several times to me in the US as well. I just called my bank, explained the situation and they gave me an immediate credit for the funds, did the investigation and made the credit permanent within a few days. It does happen so shouldn't be that hard to resolve.

Good Luck!
I trust you'll get a credit. It never happened to me in BA, but once in NYC I attempted to withdraw $100 from a movie theater ATM. The machine did its thing, but no money came out (although it printed a receipt showing the $100 transaction.) When I called the bank in hysterics, the guy was totally calm, said they had technology that could prove whether or not the cash had been taken out, and immediately credited the $100 back into my account. I imagine Deutsche Bank will do the same.
Thanks for your advice -- we contacted both Deutsche bank in Germany and Citi branch here, and while neither could explain what happened and both claimed that it was the "fault" of the other, we got our money re-credited into our account and so "all's well that ends well"!
here4now said:
Thanks for your advice -- we contacted both Deutsche bank in Germany and Citi branch here, and while neither could explain what happened and both claimed that it was the "fault" of the other, we got our money re-credited into our account and so "all's well that ends well"!
Never believe their bullshit. It's a Citi machine and thus a Citi fault.
Always try to use machines which do not retract the card into the machine. I once had one swallow my card and needed 200 forms of ID plus photo copies of the passport and drivers license inorder get the damn thing back [not to mention wasting 1.5 hrs of my time]