Is this okay, I am not sure if this is cultural or economical or both, please help me understand, I meet really nice people but lately I have been less open, which isn't normal for me. In BA, a new prospect friend, will invite me somewhere, get my email, be real nice with me, have one or two good conversation, and out of nowhere, they will try and sell me something. I was okay with it in the beginning but I dislike being coerced into buying something I don't want to buy more than once. I will be asked repeatedly, in all different ways, and when I don't buy their products or show interest, they lose interest in developing a friendship with me, I stop hearing from them completely. I know it's about earning pesos, it's tough right now, I understand this, because I am going through it myself, but I am not going to lie and try and manipulate a new person to get money. NYC is, (well use to be) for small businesses, everyone our neighborhood, and community, always helped each other out, in whatever art, or creative projects we were working on; in caring way, respectful way, we all sold something, whether it was food, tea, art, clothes, music, we all had something to sell. We never made a lot of money but enough to make the rent. Here, it feels a little ruthless to me, and shallow. Am I overreacting? Argentinians are upfront, why not say in the beginning, "look I sell this product, do you want it, no, okay, have a nice day." the end. What do you think?