Frustrating Job Search

I have lived in both NY and San Fran and now in buenos aires. Trust me when i say if you live paycheck to paycheck in NY and San Francisco you will be doing the same here. Buenos Aires may seem cheaper at first glance but when you're earning pesos, that image disappear quickly. I am able to live here because i still work for NY in dollars. If i couldn't do that anymore I would be on the first plane out. Not because i don't love the place, BA is awesome, but because economically argentina is not a stable environment and does not provide the least bit of financial security if you are not earning in a foreign currency.

I am sorry, i don't want to rain on your parade at all, but when anyone says that they would move here because its a financially a better option, i tend to ask 'are you sure?' because the economy and peso are as volatile as rodeo bull with his balls tied in flank strap.
Other option... GET OUT OF RICHARDSON!!

Unless you're married with kids in the public school system, you should not be living there.

Just saying.
I am not in your industry so this is very, very general advice:
Argentina sucks to be an employee (unless you work as a portero or in the public sector) but can be very interesting and profitable if you have your own business. This is risky, stressful, etc but my husband and I started our own business not because we loved the idea but because the difference between the salaries we were offered (in 2011 I was offered management position for 5000 pesos!!) and what we can make running our own business (even counting the slow months, the first few years where we ate our savings, etc).