Future Expat Lunch on a Weekend?


Jul 27, 2006
Thanks to all 24 who attended today's lunch. It was great! There was a suggestion that we have a future lunch on Saturday or Sunday! Please reply to this thread if you would like to join us for a weekend feast, especially those expats who work weekdays and haven't been able to join us on Tuesday.
'Sounds good to me. And, as I've a free luncheon coming . . . .
RWS said:
'Sounds good to me. And, as I've a free luncheon coming . . . .

That's right! (As the winner of the MTM Oh Robb! quiz)..

Though (in advance) I should have declared all cast and crew members ineligible.

As well as anyone named Robb!
steveinbsas said:
. . . . I should have declared all cast and crew members ineligible. . . .
I'm not certain that I would have been old enough to have played the couple's son. Though, later, I did play opposite someone who's been nominated for an Academy award -- again and again, sin éxito, por lástima.
RWS said:
I'm not certain that I would have been old enough to have played the couple's son. Though, later, I did play opposite someone who's been nominated for an Academy award -- again and again, sin éxito, por lástima.

So who was the AA winning wannabe?

The "couple's" son was Richie?

But isn't your name the point?

Oh Robb!

Now, getting back to the thread...any expats wanna get together for lunch one of these weekends?
Yes, a weekend lunch would be great! My husband and I would attend the next weekend lunch... weekdays are tough because of his work schedule.
Yeah, I might even try to convince my hubby to go to one of these :)