I would check with your bank and make sure all of your ducks are in a row in terms of transferring money. The information we got was that if the bank accounts interior and exterior were in the identical names (you know how Argentina is a stickler for that stuff), then transferring from a property sale wouldn't be a big deal. The other requirement was a DNI with a local address. Everything depends on your relationship with your bank (and what they feel like that day

Have you already put the property on the market, or are just getting ready to do it? If you have an Argentinean bank account already, that will save you a lot of hassles with AFIP since you can pay their bills directly. That's where we ran into the most trouble. We signed the contract with the buyer in early June and then lost a month waiting for a new DNI for my partner since, even though he is a Canadian citizen, was born in Argentina. Then we lost 2 months haggling with my bank about why wire transfers to AFIP weren't showing up. I had to kick all of that stuff all the way up to the bank ombudsman to get answers. After all the hassles, we were finally able to close on Oct 31.
Also, if you can find a buyer with money outside the country and have it stipulated in the contract that the money will be paid from outside Argentina, then you will avoid a lot of these hassles. I would try to make that a preferred condition for the sale. I don't know what the market is like in Patagonia. My inlaws are planning to sell in Mar del Plata and Santa Clara. There's still a little life in Mar del Plata, but the real estate market in Santa Clara is completely moribund.