How do I pay my rent in USD when I don't have USD cash?


Apr 30, 2023
My rent is coming up soon and it is in USD. I have USD but I do not have cash USD. How am I supposed to pay my rent? Thanks
My rent is in USD and I pay it in pesos every month. It is blue rate ofc. You should have talked about this before you signed the papers but still, you can talk to the owner. It should be totally OK considering the current situation.
It depends how the owner wants it. The most common ways are:

- Paying them in dollars with the dollars you have in cash physically
- Paying them in dollars via a transfer to their account abroad (most rich people here have this, aka most people wealthy enough to have a home to rent out, meaning they have more than one home themselves)
- Paying them in pesos at the blue rate

If they want physical dollars you can:

- Send yourself USD from your US account abroad to your Argentine bank account in your name in USD via a SWIFT transfer, minimum fee is ~$50 USD
- Send yourself money via Western Union and buy dollars on Florida Street
- Send yourself dollars via a digital cave, most charge ~5%, i.e. you send $100 USD to their account in the US and they give you $95 USD in cash
It depends how the owner wants it. The most common ways are:

- Paying them in dollars with the dollars you have in cash physically
- Paying them in dollars via a transfer to their account abroad (most rich people here have this, aka most people wealthy enough to have a home to rent out, meaning they have more than one home themselves)
- Paying them in pesos at the blue rate

If they want physical dollars you can:

- Send yourself USD from your US account abroad to your Argentine bank account in your name in USD via a SWIFT transfer, minimum fee is ~$50 USD
- Send yourself money via Western Union and buy dollars on Florida Street
- Send yourself dollars via a digital cave, most charge ~5%, i.e. you send $100 USD to their account in the US and they give you $95 USD in cash

That digital cave sounds like a sweet option. I'll have to ask around and see if I can find one.
All great answers. I don't know of any owner that won't give you the rate at the Blue dollar. No reasonable property owner will refuse that. Just be prepared to pay whatever the blue rate is.
You can buy dollars at one of the many Cuevas around town. Or just take a walk down Lavalle street and listen to the “Cambio” guys.
They're also on Florida street. You can’t walk more than ten feet without hearing the “Cambio, Cambio, Cambio“ chant.
It depends how the owner wants it. The most common ways are:

- Paying them in dollars with the dollars you have in cash physically
- Paying them in dollars via a transfer to their account abroad (most rich people here have this, aka most people wealthy enough to have a home to rent out, meaning they have more than one home themselves)
- Paying them in pesos at the blue rate

If they want physical dollars you can:

- Send yourself USD from your US account abroad to your Argentine bank account in your name in USD via a SWIFT transfer, minimum fee is ~$50 USD
- Send yourself money via Western Union and buy dollars on Florida Street
- Send yourself dollars via a digital cave, most charge ~5%, i.e. you send $100 USD to their account in the US and they give you $95 USD in cash
This is from a long time ago apologies, Do you know any of the locations or names of these caves also I am Canadian do I need a us bank account?
Usually I exchange pesos for dollars
This is from a long time ago apologies, Do you know any of the locations or names of these caves also I am Canadian do I need a us bank account?
Usually I exchange pesos for dollars

No worries, process is still the same a year later, shocking, I know, Milei didn't bring about the dollarization (and I still have doubts as to whether he ever will) but anyways, my advice would be WU Canada ---> pesos ---> dollars on Florida Street, and send as many you can now for your situation because you'll be printing about 35 USD per thousand USD you send this method thanks to the brecha between the blue and the CCL.

For example, if you send $2,000 USD worth of CAD ($2,738.77 CAD) via WU Debit to Bank Account fee is $1.99 CAD or $35 CAD for pickup, this nets you around 2.6M ARS which you can buy $2,070 USD in cash on Florida Street with, so you actually make $70 USD via puré. Save these dollars for when you need to pay for things in dollars, or to have for a rainy day and you're good.

No worries, process is still the same a year later, shocking, I know, Milei didn't bring about the dollarization (and I still have doubts as to whether he ever will) but anyways, my advice would be WU Canada ---> pesos ---> dollars on Florida Street, and send as many you can now for your situation because you'll be printing about 35 USD per thousand USD you send this method thanks to the brecha between the blue and the CCL.

For example, if you send $2,000 USD worth of CAD ($2,738.77 CAD) via WU Debit to Bank Account fee is $1.99 CAD or $35 CAD for pickup, this nets you around 2.6M ARS which you can buy $2,070 USD in cash on Florida Street with, so you actually make $70 USD via puré. Save these dollars for when you need to pay for things in dollars, or to have for a rainy day and you're good.
Ah okay I am also going to uruguay soon is it worth it to get some dollars there? There will be fees however because of my specific bank