R RodalfoWalsh Registered Joined Dec 7, 2014 Messages 1,291 Likes 1,038 Aug 9, 2015 #1 Seriously. Before my next ski trip I'm asking Macri to teach me his rain dance.
gpop Registered Joined Dec 29, 2011 Messages 617 Likes 744 Aug 9, 2015 #2 8 years didn't do s*** in the province despite backing of xTina; this is the cherry on top of the "FAIL" sundae, but lets see if the nac/pop/campora wake up.
8 years didn't do s*** in the province despite backing of xTina; this is the cherry on top of the "FAIL" sundae, but lets see if the nac/pop/campora wake up.
Gringoboy Registered Joined Sep 18, 2009 Messages 4,624 Likes 4,689 Aug 9, 2015 #3 You can always rely on Anibal the Animal http://www.clarin.com/politica/Elecciones_2015-Anibal_Fernandez-Elisa_Carrio-mugre-sucia_0_1409259230.html
You can always rely on Anibal the Animal http://www.clarin.com/politica/Elecciones_2015-Anibal_Fernandez-Elisa_Carrio-mugre-sucia_0_1409259230.html
R RodalfoWalsh Registered Joined Dec 7, 2014 Messages 1,291 Likes 1,038 Nov 12, 2015 #4 I've been saying it for months now... It's the silver lining to watch all my recently sown grass seed wash away
I've been saying it for months now... It's the silver lining to watch all my recently sown grass seed wash away