Thelonious is in Villa Freud, which is a neighborhood that doesnt officially exist.
"good" means different things to different people.
Really nice parilla nearby, La Choza, white tablecloths, reliable old school parilla at medium prices, you usually need a reserva.
Gran Dabang is maybe 8 or 9 blocks, on Scalabrini near honduras, asian/argentine hybrid with very interesting dishes.
Tom and Nancy live right around the corner, they love the NW style place 1810, on the corner of Guatemala y Alvarez.
A little further away, down on Honduras, is the cluster of Nola (fried chicken and craft beer) El Tejano (kickass barbecue- ribs, brisket, smoked chicken) and La Alacena- but none of em are exactly normal dinner restaurants.
Most of the restaurants near Alto Palermo are pretty average. Skip Velvet, just down the block- it sucks.
La Pharmacie, on Charcas, is not bad, but not stellar, just a reasonable place where families go to eat.