Good Yogurt?

Instead of starting a new thread, if anyone happens to know if it's possible to find whole-meal rye bread anywhere in the city, that'd be a help. Hausbraut has nothing of the sort. You know the type, where the bread is still slightly moist and has bits of whole kernel in it. More like a sourdough starter bread. In Europe, examples of bread coming from Germany, it would be packed in cellophane and despite its moist content, had a long shelf-life, and no need for preservatives.

Heh, it's funny you mention that. I actually brought several packages of Mestemacher sunflower seed bread with me back from Europe, since (as far as I know) it is absolutely unavailable here... and even if it were, no way would it come close to beating the €1.39 Berlin price tag...
There is a bakery that does central european breads,a few actually. I was going to try one this week -Renania - and caught a cold .Next week it shall be then.
I will open a new thread so that the info does not get lost under the title of yogurt.
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