Goodbye To The Cepo

Worth a lot, especially to Vanoli, If I'm reading it correctly, he's between a rock (charge of illegal futures trading) and the hard place of resigning per Macri's request. He's quoted as saying he couldn't work either with Macri or Scioli (“No me veo trabajando con Macri ni Scioli). Maybe Macri gets his way on this one - certainly unlikely that the FpV-controlled Senate would go along with Vanoni's removal before his term ends.

What do the economic experts on the forum think?

How can be future tradings being illegals????????????
Interesting, i just read talking about how cepo is going to continue BUT he uses other words that are cooler...

Macris foolishness in saying hed lift the cepo immediately is worse than what caused the cepo in the first place? least in saying that he hasnt lost the country 50 billion dollars.

There are some difficulties today with obtaining afip paper for dolar ahorro. Webpage is barely working, even if before that was never a problem. At least there was no crowd at bank, in 10 minutes I was out :)
What could possibly sound cooler than 'The cepo ends on 10th december'?
Sorry my friend, Cepo is not going anywhere.
Reserves ~ $2 billion, maybe?
^^^ I'm not in a rush mate :)
For me, the changes to exchange controls, import controls and other government interventions are more idealistic.
When the exchange controls are lifted entirely, which could be many weeks away due to the situation, I'll be happy knowing that we won't have to go crawling like beggars to AFIP for a few measly dollars/pounds/euros.
Same with import controls. We may not all of us go rushing out to exercise our new found liberty, but at least we'll know we can, if that makes any sense.
The AFIP page won`t be coming back online any time soon if you ask me. It has been shut down. My husband tried at 1am and the page dared tell him that he couldn`t access due to too much traffic on the site and he should try again in a few minutes. hahaha sure, 1am on a weds the AFIP site was just being flooded with traffic. It must have been everyone coming home from After Office and deciding to buy their dollars. (After Office? Do they still do that? I am sooo old)
The AFIP page won`t be coming back online any time soon if you ask me. It has been shut down. My husband tried at 1am and the page dared tell him that he couldn`t access due to too much traffic on the site and he should try again in a few minutes. hahaha sure, 1am on a weds the AFIP site was just being flooded with traffic. It must have been everyone coming home from After Office and deciding to buy their dollars. (After Office? Do they still do that? I am sooo old)

AFIP is afraid they know its perhaps the last days for Dollar Ahorro , they fear a real run on the meager reserves... jajajja
I think that a portion of what constitutes a price-hike is speculation by opportunistic sellers. Mercadolibre is a prime example of some folks just making up prices and justifying exorbitant sums as the fault of the exchange, tariffs, tax, 'handling'. It's exactly this unrealistic manoeuvring that has made it so expensive to live here.

EDIT: this, as explained to me by several young Argetines; is how things are done (es lo que hay) and they are not ashamed of it. They admit to being opportunists to the point of taking pride in it. I even had a boss that told me: In Argentina, and honest man is a stupid man.

Viveza Criolla. 1000 Macris aren't going to change that.
Macris foolishness in saying hed lift the cepo immediately is worse than what caused the cepo in the first place? least in saying that he hasnt lost the country 50 billion dollars.

Well, they were paying the external debt. I left the for myself.