Got here - What happened to winter?

Sorry I missed the replies, I had a problem with the internet (my friend, who's apartment I am staying in warned me about this).

gaucho - No mobile yet, but looking at getting a sim card over the weekend, and will defo try the Gibraltar again as it looks good.

Alice - Will certainly try that as so far the coffee has been ordinary - even tried Starbucks in the centre, pricey stuff.... I prefer the atmosphere in El Federal...

As for the weather, its warmer than January in the south of England, but today was like a damp day in Feb, and it went dark around 2.30, I thought the heavens were going to open....

48 hours and a bit here, and loving every bit of it - and not met any ex-pats yet, at least not any that live here, just a couple of american tourists, but they leave tomorrow for the south. Will look out over the weekend for ex-pats in some of the local bars.