

Jan 26, 2010
Anyone seen any pumpkins or similar large squash for carving?

Also where's a good costume shop?

Any good bars/parties in the works for this year?

Sigh. Halloween has always been my favorite day of the entire year, but I'll confess that it's always a bit of a disappointment here.

We end up carving watermelons as jack-o-lanterns... it's not the season for pumpkins, and the squash that they do sell here have walls that are too thick. The watermelon is a good seasonal variation (plus, you can make yummy cocktails out of the juice)! I have heard that you can request a carving pumpkin ahead of time from your local verduleria, but I haven't asked and have no idea what a real pumpkin would cost. Good luck, and do post if you are able to track down carving pumpkins.

You won't find any "good" costume shops anywhere in town (that I know of, but I'd love to be proven wrong--I have relatively high standards, and my favorite "generic" costume shop was Display and Costume in Seattle... ahh, I miss that store), but the costume district where you will find things that you can make into a functional costume are down on Lavalle between Puyerredon and Junin. There are a million fabric stores if you're feeling industrious, but depending on how seriously you take your costuming (I used to take it pretty seriously, so I find it disappointing) you'll find low-quality wigs, masks, corny hats, necklaces, etc. Most of the stuff seems to cater to carnivale-esque attire (feather and sequin headresses), belly dancing, even weirdly sexual/phallus related gear, but if you're creative you can find something to make a decent costume. I know that there is a Kryolan store in town, but the prices are extremely high for the good quality costume make-up (but you can find spirit gum and other essential there). There's a bit of lower quality but servicable costume makeup in some of the perfumerias around town--the one on Scalabrini Ortiz and Cordoba has a halfway decent selection. Another good idea would be to contact the people who offer the special FX make up classes to ask about thier suppliers. I would love to find some good foam latex prosthetics!

I don't know of any parties yet, but I'm sure that there will be at least a few Halloween themed parties around town.

Good luck!
Yeah I was figuring I'd end up substituting something for a pumpkin, see them sliced but never whole for sale, fingers crossed though!

I'll check out Lavalle again...fingers crossed :)
So what did everyone decide to do for Halloween? I completely forgot it was this weekend so will need to dig out a costume. I know Sugar is having a party but it may be a bit loud and crowded and young for me. I'm thinking Milion for some drinks.

Anyone else have plans?
Citygirl if you do decide to do milion let me know, that is more my style, I would like to meet up.
I just read while cruising for costumes stores in BA, that Milion will have a halloween party on their third floor .

But this thread got me curious. I googled Buenos Aires disfraz and this was the first link that came up,subsection mujeres et voila
or them :
or these

The costumes here seem to be not of the type you describe.I don´t know the stores personally, if they are reliable or whatever, but worth a look?
lastlucy - I will definitely be at Milion tonight, probably around 10. I'll be the girl in the black and gold sari, I should be pretty easy to spot.

Look forward to seeing any/every expat that makes it out tonight!
citygirl and lastlucy, perhaps i'll see you tonight at milion! i'll be dressed in black and red as a ninja, and hanging out with an Ozzie and fellow Estadounidense. Cheers and Happy Halloween!
We have a party to go to by the Chacarita cemetery, but Milion is close to home. We will possibly go there if we baulk at travelling too far later.

Look out for Zombie pirates and the 34th Chilean miner (the one they forgot).
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