Increase the incoming tourism to Argentina.?
That's a 10 MM question, considering the exponential Increase of the cost of living in Argentina.
The bulk of the tourists visiting Argentina are first BRAZIL followed by Uruguay and then Chile. Tourists from Uruguay tend to visit for weekends, or less, and spend Little , Chile is now a prime destination for Argentinians, with a negative balance.
Brazil is meant to be a favored destination for Argentinians at lower cost than internal travels.
To promote the incoming tourism from US and Europe, is tough competition due to the high cost of flights and local costs. Must compete with Caribbean and Mediterranean, resorts....!!
Choose Portugal or Argentina? (From US or EU).
From the link above
Google Translator
"At the same time, “it must also be taken into account that the appreciation of the exchange rate will further affect the upcoming summer season in the coming months, with a drop in domestic tourism (those who will have better conditions to access international trips) and incoming tourism”, they keep travelling.