Health Plan Help

You never answered my query on Medellin girls in other je
I didn't answer the question because the answer to your problem is not a Paisa - the answer is within yourself. We should follow the example of the BA-Expatas, who in their "Regular Girl's Catch-up Night" engage in a form of group therapy where they discuss their travails with the Argentino and the best mechanisms to whip them into shape. They do not dream of some perfect guy, whether in be in Medellin or Munro. Only when you give up your fantasy of the perfect girl will you find the inner peace you are so desperately seeking.
I didn't answer the question because the answer to your problem is not a Paisa - the answer is within yourself. We have to follow the example of the Expatas, who in their "Regular Girl's Catch-up Night" engage in a form of group therapy where they discuss their travails with the Argentino and the best mechanisms to whip them into shape. They do not dream of some perfect guy, whether in be in Medellin or Munro. Only when you give up your fantasy of the perfect girl will you find the inner peace you are so desperately seeking.

Thank you for solving all my problems.

You are the best psychologist ever born.
Eugenia, let me know your findings. I'm in the market for a plan myself - Did some research and I've found the best prices to be with Sancor Salud.

It seems the big names are Obra, Swiss Medical, and Medicus - those will probably have the best plans. I've heard Hospital Alemania has a good one too.
Eugenia, let me know your findings. I'm in the market for a plan myself - Did some research and I've found the best prices to be with Sancor Salud.

It seems the big names are Obra, Swiss Medical, and Medicus - those will probably have the best plans. I've heard Hospital Alemania has a good one too.

I believe you are mistaken. The biggest names are hospital Aleman and OSDE with Medicus probably next. With Medicus you have to constantly get referrals :(. Hospital Aleman you keep within their providers altho they are very good. OSDE allows you providers all over the various systems and without needing referrals.
I believe you are mistaken. The biggest names are hospital Aleman and OSDE with Medicus probably next. With Medicus you have to constantly get referrals :(. Hospital Aleman you keep within their providers altho they are very good. OSDE allows you providers all over the various systems and without needing referrals.

i had hospital aleman for 12 months. was not happy with it.