Hello, We Haven't Left Yet!

Ni loca! No way you would get 1200/1500 peso without speaking Spanish. Possibly not even a job. These household workers also need to be able to handle domestic chores such as making doctor´s appointments, dispensing medications, accepting mail, not letting scammers in the house (scammers often show-up to prey on old people).

Why encourage people to make bad decisions Barney?

If you really have your heart set on coming here (and this is not a joke). You should start saving like crazy for a long, long time. It is one thing to come here on your own but, quite another to be bringing two kids that you are responsible for.
Come on, this thread can never be serious.

Even after I suggested she could earn about 150 dollar a month as a live-in nurse, she still wants to come over

There is a reason this work is done only by Paraguayas, Peruanas and Bolivanas who are normally illegally in Argentina
According to the news, you can't even get a room in a villa (township) for 600 pesos. Daycare you're looking at 1200 pesos a kid for a semi-decent place (hence a lot of people use grandparents etc).

I'm sorry to the OP, but really, you don't just need to stay home because it's a crazy idea, you need to stay home because you obviously have no clue what your getting yourself into. You shouldn't even think of coming here for another couple of years because you need to research research research. This is not a country you want to be poor in. If things go wrong you're looking at 4-6k USD in plane tickets just to get yourself and 2 kids home to the states. That's 16 - 24,000 pesos -- maybe that puts 600 pesos a month in perspective for you -- it could take you 2 to 3 years just to save the money to get your kids out of the crapola situation you put them in.
@ Barney. Phew!! I never know on here anymore. I have talked to several people from this board with their heads in the clouds not all that different from this OP.
jayjane said:
@ Barney. Phew!! I never know on here anymore. I have talked to several people from this board with their heads in the clouds not all that different from this OP.

But that ignornant? I doubt it
lol there's a lot of people that do have their heads in the clouds -- i have no idea if this poster is one of them or not. You never know these days, those bloody articles about how CHEAP buenos aires is are still floating around on the interwebs, so the dreamers will never stop believing.
Barney said:
But that ignornant? I doubt it

Unfortunately there are a lot of people that do have pretty crazy notions about this place. Pretty darn close to the OP but, maybe not quite that bad. Boludos totales y hay un monton. :cool: Including me for entertaining this thread.

What´s that Einstein quote? Something like this. ¨There are only two things that are infinite, the universe, and human stupidity. I am not sure about the former.¨
steveinbsas said:
Some are actually worse. Here are my two favorites:

Wannabe Expats

Hello! ...and a thousand questions about moving to BA

And another thread that might be of interest:

Expats not happy, why stay?

Thanks for the trip down memory lane Steve, these threads make for hilarious if not scary reading. I remember when my husband called me in 2001 (was away on business) and said "I think we should move to Buenos Aires"..my response was okayyyyy, business plan please..and we didnt even have kids then. Im a big supporter of world travellers but a little common sense please!