Hello, We Haven't Left Yet!

fifs2 said:
Thanks for the trip down memory lane Steve, these threads make for hilarious if not scary reading. I remember when my husband called me in 2001 (was away on business) and said "I think we should move to Buenos Aires"..my response was okayyyyy, business plan please..and we didnt even have kids then. Im a big supporter of world travellers but a little common sense please!

One thing I find quite ironic is that the individual (soulskier) who started the thread Expats not happy, why stay? left Argentina last year and HotYogaTeacher (who clearly wanted to get out in 2009) is still here (at least the blog for the sale of her apartment is still active).
Wow, I had no clue I would be bashed so much for asking a few questions! No I am not kidding, I am going to move to Argentina. My kids dad wants them to be down there.
We are going to wait until we have a years rent saved up. Hopefully we will meet some more hospitable and kind people than the ones I have found on here.
Be well and Be kind.
mamayogibear said:
Wow, I had no clue I would be bashed so much for asking a few questions! No I am not kidding, I am going to move to Argentina. My kids dad wants them to be down there.
We are going to wait until we have a years rent saved up. Hopefully we will meet some more hospitable and kind people than the ones I have found on here.
Be well and Be kind.

You never said your kids dad was here (actually, you have yet to say it).

If he is here that was a significant omission. It would have made a huge difference in the anwers you received, especially if he can contribute to their support. I don't think you were "bashed" much in this thread, at least not prior to the above post. I'm afraid you may be now (or at least you may "feel" like it).

If the childrens' father is not in Argentina it would be very interesting to know why he wants his children here. If he's not, bringing them here could even be considered a form of child endangerment if it's not possible to "provide" for them (even if you pay for a year's rent in advance).

If the childrens' dad is Argentine they will be able to get Argentine citizenship and DNI's and eventually you should be able to do the same. Otherwise, you probably won't be able to get a job or even enroll them in school. How could that be good for them?

BTW: If the childrens' father is here and he Argentine you may need his permission to take them out of the country. You didn't give enough information in your first post, but if you are not bringing the children here to live with their father, how do you know he isn't planning to take custody of the children after you arrive or prevent them from leaving with you if and when you give up and return home?
I think you are absolutely right to wait a while and get yourself more prepared for your move. Good for you - it's the right decision. But it's hurtful to see you describe people here as inhospitable: they've put in time and effort to tell you how it is. No different, in my mind, to the many times you've had to be forthright with the people in your care and tell them stuff they don't like for their own good.
mamayogibear said:
Wow, I had no clue I would be bashed so much for asking a few questions! No I am not kidding, I am going to move to Argentina. My kids dad wants them to be down there.
We are going to wait until we have a years rent saved up. Hopefully we will meet some more hospitable and kind people than the ones I have found on here.
Be well and Be kind.

You've gotten offended by answers that were obviously based on something that is not the full story. If you're not going to post the full story, then you can't expect to get a very good evaluation of the situation. The story you stated was that you were willing to come down here with 2 kids on your own and seemed to believe you could subsist on 150 bucks a month in a live-in position that didn't provide shelter for your children.. We responded, quite rightly, that you cannot do that and expect to be happy and provide a good environment for your kids. And you can't. No one can, not with day care involved etc.

So, if you want a re-evaluation of the situation, why don't you explain the full details of the story? Otherwise you can't expect anything more than the "you're crazy to do it" responses that you've been getting.

By the way, we were being kind -- we were being kind enough to tell you that from the story you had given us you would be putting your children's well-being at risk. That is a very kind gesture if you ask me.
syngirl said:
lol there's a lot of people that do have their heads in the clouds -- i have no idea if this poster is one of them or not. You never know these days, those bloody articles about how CHEAP buenos aires is are still floating around on the interwebs, so the dreamers will never stop believing.

I think there's also some good, old-fashioned American arrogance thrown in. It seems to me that some expat wannabes have unrealistic expectations about their desirability as an immigrant and employee down here. This is 100% speculation, but I suspect that a number of newcomers, especially the slew of recent college grads unable to find a job back home, maybe sort of think, "I speak English, I graduated from an American college, who wouldn't want to hire me down there in the third world?" A foreigner entering the U.S. on a tourist visa, assuming he'll quickly find legal employment, would be laughed out of the room, so I'm not sure why Americans think it'll be so much easier for them (especially if they don't speak the country's mother tongue)... but I guess you gotta love the American tenacity ;)
I'm a 21 year old American who will be here from August until the end of December. I have nine months of overseas professional nannying experience. Last year I spent nine months in Paris watching four children (ages 10, 7, 4, and 2) as well as babysitting for another family on the side with two children (one four and one 10 months). Linguistics is my passion that has driven me to learn French, Filipino, and now Spanish. In a month or so I will be TEFL certified and I am a very patient and thorough teacher. I have been involved and studying art almost my whole life and would be happy to give lessons or teach your children. While I my schedule may be too tight to nanny full time, I am always available to work part-time or fulfill any odd hours you need worked if you can't find someone for what's needed. I can provide references from my previous employers/professors as well. My email is [email protected] and my skype is Cherisse_Gray. I look forward to hearing from you.