Help! Argentine boss not paying me, owes me 2,000 pesos.

The system is made to favor employees because they are the ones that suffer the most. If you treat your employees well and you do everything according to the law, you will not get sued. I agree with Bajocero, some people are angry that Argentina is not so corrupt as other countries. Try Cambodia, there you can eat your workers if you want. It is always fun to read the reactions from the side of the capitalists.
You have rights even though you are presumably illegal. The fact that youb were employed "en negro" does not mean that your employer is outside the law. He is NOT. Argentine labor law is very much in favor of the employee, even when en negro. Your employer thinks that you are just passing through and will not fight the case. Get to a lawyer who specializes in labor law. Most lawyers do NOT know labor law but many will say that they do. Ask around, maybe on this site, for a labor law specialist. Your employer will have to pay penalties in addition to the $2,000. Do you have witnesses that you were working there? Before you do anything, get to an immigration lawyer. Your employer will be SHOCKED when he sees that you are serious about initiating legal action. GOOD LUCK!
marksoc said:
The system is made to favor employees because they are the ones that suffer the most.

Pure subjective speculation - how on earth do you know who suffers more?

marksoc said:
If you treat your employees well and you do everything according to the law, you will not get sued.

Straight out not true.

marksoc said:
I agree with Bajocero, some people are angry that Argentina is not so corrupt as other countries. Try Cambodia, there you can eat your workers if you want. It is always fun to read the reactions from the side of the capitalists.

Of course Argentina is not corrupt... unless you call workers willfully allowing armed robbers into your house and not being able to do anything about it corrupt. Capitalists who eat their workers... good one.

Except that before starting the commie propaganda about "the capitalists", try to find out the tiniest bit about life, the plentiful availability of the basics of life, the total absence of corruption - in that land of plenty, the Soviet Union. I can educate you about the jokes that were spun back in the day - all by the locals - about how life worked there. You either have no idea, or don't want to.
Let's stop speculating all of us. Can we see some statics over how many labor law suits there are in Argentina compared to other countries?
SylviaM, let us know what finally happened. It might be a good idea to post the name of the school where you worked so that others don't find themselves in the same situation.
I had a similar situation several years ago before I had my working papers in order. As several others have mentioned, he has much more to lose than you do. My former boss at an intitute refused to pay me and avoided me until I sent a certified letter (though the post office) demanding my wages and saying that I would contact a AFIP.

He can't sue you for defamation, that is the oldest trick in the book to scare people who aren't familiar with Argentine law. The law here gives wide protection to workers and almost always sides in their favor. 2000 pesos isn't small beans, so I would encourage you to move forward with it. Good luck in whatever you decide.
RichardP said:
SylviaM, let us know what finally happened. It might be a good idea to post the name of the school where you worked so that others don't find themselves in the same situation.

I doubt she will ever post back, a lot of expats seem to post here when in trouble and once they get what they want, just vanish. Some even have the nerve of just sending private messages and do not even thank you when you get out of your way to help them... talk about gratefulness!
I doubt she will ever post back, a lot of expats seem to post here when in trouble and once they get what they want, just vanish. Some even have the nerve of just sending private messages and do not even thank you when you get out of your way to help them... talk about gratefulness!
Blasphemy!! Remember the only ungrateful, uneducated people are the Argentines! :p
...or it could be one of the resident trolls creating fake personas to post distress threads, rope everyone in, laugh and then move on when he gets bored with the answers. more than a handful of threads here fit the bill. ;)