Help updating a Mac

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on the brink

Oct 3, 2016
Looks like Josh the MacDaddy has left. He is sorely missed....! Is there anyone else doing the same work?
What's the question? Might be able to point you in the right direction.

Also Apple support is really good- even if a mac is slightly out of warranty they usually help.
Microsoft Office? Can't you get an Office 365 subscription and download the apps?
That's basically what I did, I got the subscription in the Gabarino online shop with my local debit card, downloaded everything, set the language to English and installed the apps. I wasn't able to get Office any other way (not with the Microsoft website, not with a foreign card).
That's basically what I did, I got the subscription in the Gabarino online shop with my local debit card, downloaded everything, set the language to English and installed the apps. I wasn't able to get Office any other way (not with the Microsoft website, not with a foreign card).
Thanks....! I will do the same.
Correction - I will TRY to do the same, as I'm severely computer-challenged.
That's basically what I did, I got the subscription in the Gabarino online shop with my local debit card, downloaded everything, set the language to English and installed the apps. I wasn't able to get Office any other way (not with the Microsoft website, not with a foreign card).
You couldn't just buy it online from Microsoft? Was the limitation yours or theirs (Microsoft's)? I pay for Office 365 via my Argentina card.
You couldn't just buy it online from Microsoft? Was the limitation yours or theirs (Microsoft's)? I pay for Office 365 via my Argentina card.

Ah, I have a local debit card, not a credit card, maybe that's why it worked for you?

I wanted to buy from Microsoft since their subscription allows for 6 licenses, using my international credit card, but I wasn't able to. It's almost a year since I tried, so the details have thankfully faded from memory, but the process was an absolute circular nightmare.
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