Help With Vpn From Techies

I have been using an Amazon EC2 image which I setup as a VPN server several years ago. I only turn it on and pay the ~1/2 cents ($.005) per hour for a discount Spot instance when I need it to listen to pandora or watch netflix from Argentina on the IPhone, Android and laptops, or to feel safer using internet from a cafe. If you are a first time Amazon EC2 customer they will give you 1-year free which includes running a micro 24hr day always on instance. I am past the 1 year promo which is why I often do the discount spot images. When I need a more reliable instance it is still less than 2 cents per hour for a micro instance; suffficent to serve one or two client VPN client machines.

It is technical, but plenty of suggestions on the web to tell you how to do this. OpenVPN seems to have a nice write-up now. Or seach 'setup openvpn amazon ec2'
Go to on your PC and make sure the status at the top says working. Then, follow their steps to change the DNS on your iPad.

Thanks. I followed the link and am now successfully using notelly. That is notelly says ive configured everything just fine....Buoyed by optimism I then followed the how tos on setting up a US Netflix account. Actually tried three times with three different email addresses and finally set up a Paypal account with my US address (and had canceled other accounts, cookies, and restarted.)and credit card and used that along with a new name. Got really excited when I saw the US page for sign in. But then when I signed on, well obviously the current releases were current for 2009 ....maybe I've been sabotaged by La Campora for watching Lanata.....
Hello Supercharged,
Now might be a good time to think about moving to a free vpn service, like There are others like freegate, but I am not familiar with them. I have only used vpngate.
First question: are you on a machine that uses Windows? If so, then you can download the vpn client SoftEther from vpngate. It is a compressed file of about 40 megabytes. Download, save, and unzip it ("extract"). Then when you run it an installation wizard opens up and the rest should go smoothly. After you have the client up and running you will be able to choose from a list of servers around the world to connect to. I have been going with the main server at the University of Tsukuba in Japan, but you might also try servers in Latin America. Proximity sometimes improves performance.

Edit: I just looked at freegate, and maybe it would be easier than vpngate's SoftEther to set up. I didn't download it because I am running linux and freegate only runs on Windows, but you might want to give it a look. Then decide which service better suits you.
I got to the SoftEtherDOwonload Center and I selected VPN Freeware but
DO I go softether vpn client? then it asks me a bunch of (sorry tech ignorant here) what shoudl I do?? :( :(
  • Some anti-virus software or firewalls warn that such behavior might be dangerous.
    If your anti-virus disturbs the VPN function, add the VPN program file or the installer to the exception list.
I feel your pain. And soo helpless! Just when I thought I was going to have access to some serious video! Boo hoo
What is the best VPN out of the US currently? We need to get one for some telecommuting projects.
What you want is the client. The client is the software for users like you to connect with vpn. Here's the how-to page:
click the link to download the client, which takes you to
go with the first choice,
Download SoftEther VPN Client + VPN Gate Client Plug-in

and choose "save"
you will then have to go through the process of extracting the zipped file so you can run it.
Hope this helps.